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michael: im gonna call you ok

calum: ok babe

michael: stop

michael: like seriously stop because you dont deserve to be fucking forgiven let alone call me babe

michael: luke left today so i dont have to pretend to be nice anymore

calum: um what

michael: you fucking raped someone. my best fucking friend, at that. you touched him when you knew he didn't wanna be touched. you fucked him. how could you just easily take advantage of someone like that? was he telling you to stop?

calum: he told me to stop, yeah. several times.

michael: oh my god are you fucking kidding me

calum: michael

michael: no calum, don't you dare try to explain anymore because being jealous isn't a fucking excuse. the only reason i was nice to you the other day is because luke has been wanting to forget it. he cries a lot. bet you didn't know that. you've scarred him for life, calum. that is not fucking forgivable.

calum: michael, im so sorry, i

michael: no shut up

michael: i hate you

calum: michael please dont do this im sorry i dont know what to do im so sorry i am please i love you so much please

michael: i hate you. leave me and my friends alone. if you try to contact any of us, ill report you to the police for rape. goodbye.

calum: michael please (ERROR)

calum: what (ERROR)

calum: no (ERROR)

calum: i can't go through this again (ERROR)

calum: i love you (ERROR)

calum: i deserve better than this (ERROR)

calum: im so sorry (ERROR)

calum: goodbye. (ERROR)



i am a wreck

you'll like the epilogue though

i love you all so much

- haley x

error → final book in the 'texting' seriesWhere stories live. Discover now