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"We need this." Ashton says.

"We need two cans of frosting?" Luke asks, smiling at Ashton lovingly.

"We're making spaghetti!" I exclaim, laughing slightly at Ashton.

"It's for my midnight cravings, leave me alone." Ashton mumbles, crossing his arms and turning around to walk away.

"Aw, babe." Luke says, walking next to the boy and grabbing his left hand, intertwining their hands together.

I smile at the action and sigh, just thinking how badly I want what they have together.

Luke and Ashton got together about 11 months ago; 2 months after I told Calum to leave us alone. Luke decided to stay in California, and had his friend, Vic, send his stuff to me and Ashton's house. Now, we all share a house. It's really nice. Y'know, besides having a room next to theirs and the walls being paper thin. You hear stuff, man. My ears are no longer pure.

As I'm walking down an isle of the grocery store, Ashton and Luke wander off, so I just finish getting the things on the list; noodles, sauce, and parmesan. Along with some other things we need, like cereal, milk, bread; things like that.

As I walk down the isle where the cereal is, I bump into someone's buggy.

"Shit," I mumble, stepping back so the person can get through, "sorry." I finish, and look up at the person.

My breath catches in mid throat, and my eyes widen slightly. I can physically feel my heart start to beat faster and faster.

There, in front of me, my brown eyed boy stands. It's quiet for a second, neither of us knowing what to say. He looks very thin, almost unhealthy. But his hair is a bit curly and poofy, making him look like he just woke up. He's pale, his lips are dry. But the thing is, his eyes are still his eyes. Still the big, brown eyes I fell in love with. He's wearing a gray hoodie, and black skinny jeans. His eyes are wide, I guess from seeing me.

"Hi." He breathes, finally filling the silence. His voice is still the same, and it sends chills thoughout my body; I haven't heard his voice in so long.

"U-um," I stutter, not really knowing what to say, "hi, Calum." I finally reply.

"I didn't know you lived in L.A." He says, flashing me a soft smile, which makes me smile, even though I really don't want to smile.

"Yeah," I breathe, looking down at my hands, which are awkwardly playing with the handle of the buggy, "I didn't know you moved to the states." I finish, looking back up at him.

"Oh, well," He starts looking around awkwardly, but looks back at me, "I moved here after everything happened with you and- and me. I needed a little bit of California, and to just get away, y'know?" He asks, leaving me with a rather guilty feeling.

"Oh," I stutter, smiling awkwardly, "right."

"So," He says, messing with his hair awkwardly, "how have you been?" He asks.

I smile softly, feeling a bit awkward, "Okay," I say, still smiling slightly, "you?" I ask.

"Okay," He replies, nodding, "still getting used to the time zones here," he laughs, "I've been a bit of a wreck, which explains why I'm out at the store at 10 o'clock at night buying cereal."

I laugh softly, and genuinely, "Yeah," I say, smiling at him, "it takes a bit of getting used to."

He nods, smiling at me, and silence fills the air.

error → final book in the 'texting' seriesWhere stories live. Discover now