Optimus Prime x Elita-one

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Suggested by: blueflameprime

Optimus sat on the balcony of his home, staring blankly at the horizon. The sun was setting giving the sky a pink-purplish glow. The war was finally over and the Prime was more than relieved. His only worries were the arrival of cybertronians that had to evacuate Cybertron when the war began.
He wondered if his relatives and closets friends had made it out of Cybertron before being captured or killed. Thankfully, his colleagues had received word from refuges close to Cybertron. According to them, the first ship would be arriving soon. Two weeks to be exact.

"Prime! We have a problem!" Shouted Ironhide through the comm link. Optimus snapped out of his thoughts and answered, "What seems to be the problem?"
"We have picked up a signal. It seems to be a Ship but we can't communicate with them." Ironhide explained to the Prime. "There's no response. They're not responding." Said Ironhide. "Those are two different things" answered the Prime. "Just...Get down here. You have to see this," there was a hint of worry in the red mech's tone.

In less than two minutes Optimus was standing next to Ironhide. The room was filled with computers, random beeping machines, radars, mechs working on the machines and of course a gigantic screen at the far end of the room.
Optimus made his way to his friend and said, "I have arrived." Ironhide, having a similar voice to the Prime, greeted him and turned back to the screen showing a radar and a strange light. "What is that?," Asked Optimus as he pointed at the strange light on the screen. "That," Ironhide turned to face the Prime, "is the problem."
After analyzing the radar before him, Optimus and Ironhide came to be conclusion that what they were seeing was a ship. A huge ship coming straight to Cybertron. Unfortunately, the image of the ship wasn't clear, and the bots were left wondering if it was Autobot or Decepticon. Friend or foe.

Optimus prepared a team, Ironhide, Bumblebee and Ratchet included, to greet the ship at its arrival. In case the ship was a threat, the group would fight, but if it were to be a friend they would all welcome the newcomers to their beloved planet and attend them in case of any medical attention needed.
Ratchet approached the Prime and with a low voice he asked, "have you found any sign of her?" Optimus froze for a moment, thinking about his beloved mate. "I have not," answered the Prime to his friend. "Don't lose hope, Prime," said Ironhide, standing closer to Optimus, "She will come back safe and sound." There was a pause before he continued, hope and sadness made his blue optics shine, "they all will."
Optimus and Ratchet knew exactly what he meant by all. Ironhide, like Optimus and many others, had been separated from his mate during the war. Before any battle, any mission or any risky act Irionhide maneuvered, he would always whisper a little prayer to Primus and put his hand on his chest saying "for you". Melancholy was always visible in his optics when he did his prayers. Optimus would often do the same but instead of praying in public he would say it to himself. He would came back to his headquarters and contemplate the beauty of the stars. They reminded him of Elita, his one and only love. Optimus would often compare her beauty to the stars and find himself crying over her absence. "I miss you" he would often say, or "I hope you're safe."

The ship was now visible to the group of warriors awaiting its landing. Judging by the shape of it, Ironhide concluded it was about half the size of the Ark... maybe less. Surely no more than ten or fifteen bots could fit in it. As the ship came closer, the group readied their weapons and stood in attention.
With a loud thud and the ragging of the engines, the ship landed on the ground. The noise made the mechs jump. For about a minute the ship stood perfectly still. The only sound it emitted was the one from the cooling fans, cooling the overheated engines. The bots grew more and more impatient. Their digits itching at the trigger of their blasters.
The ship's back dilating doors made a loud, dry sound that indicated they were preparing to open. Everyone froze. A shadowy figure stepped out of the darkness of the inside of he ship. The autobot's blasters quickly rose, ready to shoot whoever the mysterious figure was. The figure took a step forward.
"DON'T SHOOT!" a male voice shouted from the inside, hands up in the air. He stepped to the light, visible to everyone. "I'm a friend," he pointed at the bright red autobot insignia on his chest-plate. "My name is Torius. I'm, well, we are-"
"Tori?" An orange bot in the front line of the squadron stepped forward. His eyes glued to Torius. Torius eyes widened as he stared at the Orange mech. "Brother!" Torius shouted. Both mechs ran towards each other to hug. "I thought I had lost you, Noxate," Torius told his brother. "I thought I had lost you too." Answered Noxate. Torius turned to the ship of awaiting cybertronians. "Coni! Guess who I found," shouted Torius. From the ship, a tall red femme stepped out. Her eyes scanned the group of random mechs before looking at the hugging mechs. Her eyes light up and she ran towards the two. "Brother!" Coni threw herself at Noxate and tightly hugged him. Tears streaming down their faces. The trio of siblings hugged and shared some laughs.
By now, most of the team had relaxed. More and more cybertronians stepped out of the ship. Many were reunited with their friends. Ironhide's eyes scanned the ship from afar. "Guess they didn't come in this one," he whispered to himself. Suddenly, between a couple of mechs a blue femme appeared. Her eyes locked with Ironhide's and they both ran to meet each other. "Ironhide!" She shouted, "Chromia!" He answered. Chromia threw her arms around his neck and his arms around her waist. Their lips instantly meeting and sharing a passionate kiss. They parted and looked into eachother's eyes. "I missed you," she told him, "I know," He answered. "You're an ass," Chromia whispered. Ironhide only smiled.
"Ah, Optimus," Chromia walked over to the prime. "Long time no see, sir." They shock hands. "It's been quite long, Chromia, but you're finally here." Optimus vowed his head. "Oh, by the way, we brought a prisoner with us." Chromia told the Prime. "I'll take care of that. Go, you two have a lot of catching up to do." Optimus eyed Ironhide and Chromia before making his way to the ship. Bumblebee followed close behind. "You don't need to accompany me, Bumblebee." He told the scout. "You can got ahead and join the others. See if they need anything. Make them comfortable." Bumblebee nodded and left. A long, sigh of distress escaped the Prime's lips. He slowly made his way to the back of the ship, where the prisoner should be.
Once outside the doors, he took a long breath and opened the doors. His eyes widened at the scene before him. A huge, black and purple Decepticon was heavily chained to the ground. His legs and arms had been removed. It was a security measure all autobots followed. But that wasn't what had surprised the Prime. Before the gigantic Deception stood a pink femme. Her back was facing him, but he knew her far too much to not know who he was looking at. "Finally, someone came to help with this big gu-" she slowly turned to see the Optimus standing before her. There was a long moment of silence until the loud bang of Optimus dropping his blaster rang through the quiet ship. He raised his hand and brushed her cheek. She didn't react, however. She was too shocked to see her beloved Prime again. Optimus opened his mouth to speak but only a soft sob came out. He dropped to his knees and cried. Elita ran to his side. "Hey, what's wrong?" She asked. Optimus kept silently sobbing for some time. Suddenly, he jumped to his feet and looked at her face. "I missed you," he said, "I missed you too." She answered. They both hugged for what seem like an eternity. She lightly tapped her finger on his mouthplate. Optimus retracted it and leaned forward, Elita did the same. They shared a soft sweet kiss for a while. When they pulled apart, their eyes stayed glued to each other. "Eww," said a deep voice from behind them. They both turned to see the Decepticon had woken. "Shut up," ordered Elita.
"We have achieved something" MTMTE Rodimus Prime.

It's finally here!!

I'm so sorry.
I'm sorry, this is crappier than I expected. I'm sorry it was short. I'm sorry it has grammatical errors. I'm sorry for the typos. I'm sorry for the short OptimusxElita action. And I'm sorry it took me soooo long to write.....this.

As you can see, I have no actual experience writing. I have no editor and my grammar is terrible.

Anyhow, I'm glad I wrote it.
This is a small step for humanity or Wattpad, but a big step for me.

Did you catch that MTMTE #50 reference in the beginning?
"There's no response. They're not responding." (I forgot the name of the dude that says this) "those are two different things" -Optimus Prime.

*sigh* Yeah..... well, tell me what you think. Provide feedback if you can. Tell me what I should add or take out of these stories.

I'll probably be adding more references. Idk. ...

Oh, yeah, almost forgot. Torius, Naxate and Coni are completely made up. 'Torius', 'Noxate' and 'Coni' are names of ingredients listed on Deodorant, Nivea's lip hydrant and some other weird product that was laying around when I wrote this. Lol.

Noxate- Octinoxate (Nivea's hydrating lip care)
Coni- Zirconium (deodorant)
Torius- Tinctorius (Vitamin E oil)
((Now you all know my secret))

I can't wait for MTMTE #52!! Omg! !! Megatron is gonna face Tarn! But Megatron vowed not to ever use violence again!! And the HE would protect organics!! Omg!!!!

Just to be clear *clears throat* Getaway is a Major a-hole! I hate him! I have never hated a Transformers character before. He's the first... HE BASICALLY SOLD THE LOSTLIGHT MEMBERS WHO ACCEPTED MEGATRON TO THE DJD!! THE F-ING D.J.D!! *rage tantrum*
I love Tarn and all, but c'Mon!!!!

One does not simply betray my favorite characters!
*Rage attack*

See you next time..

Till All Are One!

((If you see Getaway or any of his followers, shot them. They don't deserve to be alive))

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