Fun Fact #9

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Back in the old days, the Cybertronian Senate performed Empurata on criminals or offenders of the law as a way of punishment and warning to possible offenders.

Empurata consists of removing someone's face and hands and replacing them with faceless and fingerless replacements, like claws.

Unfortunately, Whirl was seen as an offender by the Senate. Dominus Anbus simply knew too much, and his face was replaced with a screen that projected what he was saying because he could not talk. His voice vox was removed. He had no head. The screen was not attached to his body, it was just floating above his decapitated body.

After and during the war, people who were submitted to Empurata could get "surgery" to fix their face and hands.

The Institude was trying to crusade *Senator Shockwave and performed Empurata on him solely out of spite.

Whirl refused the offer several times claiming that this was his true self.

Picture above is Whirl before Empurata. He had a beautiful face.

*Senator Shockwave' Fun Fact is next

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