Rise up as one

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Hello fellow followers, today my friend family and I will be going to the Rise Up As One concert. The one really close to the Mexican border.

The motives of this concert is to encourage Latinos to vote.

And honestly, that's s pretty good way to get Latinos to vote for the Democrats.

I, personally, am a democrat but found this year's candidates unfit for presidency.

Don't get me wrong, I'm a feminist.
Not those " men suck, women are better! Death to the penis!!"


I believe that men and women were created equal and as such should be treated equally. Ain't nobody like gender-roles.

Back to what I was talking about, Hilary is a good person but she's not 100% fit to be president.

Donald Trump is too stupid and xenophobic to be president.

Bernie Sanders, in the other hand, could have killed that presidency. He could have been a great president.

Either this candidates were really bad or I'm just comparing them to Obama.

Obama has been a great, one of the greatest presidents America has ever had.

I love Obama. He have me 2 presidential awards.

A gold and a silver signed by him.

I love that guy.

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