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I really love Vernon and I picked Jungkook as the second main character because he's kinda my type,cute and funny sometimes.Anyways,please follow me and votezzz
Eunji's pov

The bell rang,that's mean the break time was over. I rushed into the next class it is the Chemistry Class.My favorite subject ever.

Since it was a private school,we need to walk to class due to each subjects.Well, I really like this school anyways. The fact that the students here doing well in their studies but they are delinquent children even though they originally from a wealthy family.Some of them were involved in minor crimes including drugs,commit suicides,diching and etc.

I looked around to find an empty seat in the lab.There was a bitch of the school,Areum.She was pretty but she was the bitchiest

"Look,that's nerd"she shouted as she clearly pointed out at me.All the students turned and looked me in disgust. I lowered my head and walked past her instead.

Areum pushed me,causing me to stumble and fall. I winced as she once again pushed my shoulder and she pulled my hair. I hate her

I tried to control my emotions.

Be patient. I don't want to show my taekwando skills here or i'll get some trouble.

"Hey!"someone shouted behind me.

"Leave her alone!"he warned.He had a cute baby face and well-built body.But his face was cold and dark.His black straight hair covering his thick eyebrows.He looked like an emo kid but charming

"Mind your own business,Jungkook!"she said,scowling at him.

"You know that you should leave her"

"What if I won't?"

"I'll report on principle that you bullied someone who doesn't deserve it"he shot back,smirking.

"You win this time but this game wasn't over yet"

She walked nonchalantly to her seat,whilst the other students continued doing their works.

"You can seat beside me"he requested

He pulled out his hand for a handshake as he introduced himself.

"My name's Jungkook.Nice to meet you"he smiled slightly.

"Eunji.Nice to meet you too"I smiled sweetly to him.He saved me from the bullies but actually I doesn't really need his help. I know how to take care of myself.

"Err..Thanks"I whispered in his ear.

He smirked and replied with a welcome.

"I took martial arts lessons,anyways I'm glad you saved me just now "I once again whispered as he just slightly grinned at me.

The teacher walked in, and the president of the class commanded us to stand up.

"You may seat down.I'm Mrs Young your chemistry teacher.Now turned to page 55 for our first lessons."she told the class.

Extremely excited

Oh gosh.

"So tonight you can have a date with your homework,at page 57 and 58"Mrs Young explained

"YEAHHH!!!"I squealed in happiness and danced in no reason..Everybody watched my weird reaction because they don't understand how happy I am now.

"MRS YOUNG!saranghae!!!"I said to her and doing a aigoo movement.

The school's period was getting over.The students rushed out of the class,once again flooding the hallway.

I kept my books and stuffs into my pinky bag.As the bags filled with the textbooks,I just held the leftover books.

I walked out of the class,suddenly someone bumped into me,the books and papers flew in the air."Don't you have eyes!?"

He kneeled down helping me to pick up the books that was dropped on the ground.

"Sorry, I rushed"he simply stated

Our eyes glued.His sharp hazel eyes caught mine.But it wasn't the first time. I definitely saw him a lot of times.but where?

"You?"he finally spoke up in shock

"You?"I copied him,shocked
I tried to avoid his gaze.

Areum immediately pulled his arm and pressed her lips on his. I guessed she was behind us,starring from the beginning

I leaved them.Annoyed with Areum's action.


Vernon's pov


She tasted like shit

My stomach flipped over in guilty when Areum suddenly kissed me infront her.

I just need a real conversation with that girl

I need to know her.

Aren't they sweet??yenkook or yensol

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Aren't they sweet??yenkook or yensol.So who do you ship?PLEASE vote and comments!!!I really really need to know how your reaction on what Areum did to Vernon.


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