Sixteen-Jungkook hates me

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Jungkook's pov

3 hours before...

"Nice looking"I brushed my hair and sprayed some perfume.Tuxedo.Black shiny shoes.Gold watch.And of course a bouquet of flowers.Perfect."You look perfectly handsome"The barber told me and I thanked him for cutting my hair.I bowed and walked out of the barbershop with swag on.Black spectaculars on. I was really on the top of the world.

All the girls stared at me when I walked pass them.People nudged each other and pointed at me.Some of them whispered to each other but somehow I can hear what they said."That's Oppa is really smart and handsome too, I hope he doesn't has a girlfriend"

I just gave them a smirk.Now I have a dinner with Eunji's family.Tonight is the New Year's Eve. I've been thinking lately,does it drive her crazy...because the night changes me and her

Present time...

"Where is Eunji?"I said as I took a seat in the table.

"She's with Hansol"Teahyung simply stated as he placed a plate Korean dish on the table.

"annoyeongheseyo"a raspy voice greeted me and obviously that old age man was his father.He took a seat next to me and smiled.

"annoyeongheseyo"I replied with a comfort smile.

"Are you Eunji's boyfriend?"he bustled out

I shove my head no.But tonight I'm going to confess my feelings

"You looking so good in that tuxedo,look alike an idol"he bursted out into a fit of laughter


Suddenly I heard someone laughed outside the house so I decided to walked out of the seat and darted towards the door.As I opened, I saw Eunji.She so pretty in her red dress.Butterflies in my stomach.But when I saw that idiot with her I really seethed inside.

"Jungkook?"she said ,confused

"I hate you ,Kim Eunji"I suddenly uttered the words,and I slammed the door.I ran to my car before she can speak a word. I cried inside.For the first time in 4 years I cry.She belonged to someone else. I don't mind spending everyday with a girl with a broken smile.As she can stay awhile but Hansol stole her kiss from mine.My heart tore apart.

She will beloved. I tried so hard to get her and I already changed my looks.For the rest of my life I want to get away from her and don't want to see her face again.Like ever.He never loved her like I can.Urghh kim Eunji please leaved from my heart.

Oh god help me...

Eunji's Pov

Jungkook hates me.My best tablemate hates me.Was it all my fault? I really felt sorry for him.This can't be right.As a friend,he should be happy because I was happy with my life and of course my boyfriend.He seemed so jealous of my happiness. I'm sorry Jeon Jungkook

I've been in love with Hansol.It's so long to have love like this.But luckily,Jungkook was there he was there in my heart too.My world kept spinning around.Urghh.. I so confused

"Eunji,are you okay?"Hansol gazed at me,probably with worried eyes.

"I'm sorry Hansol.But it hard to describe my feelings right now.See you later."I kissed his cheeks and headed inside the house.

"My lil sister came home,yeahhh "Teahyung Oppa shouted in joy and danced gleefully."How's the date?"

I ignored his inquiry and grabbed the food on the table."It looks yummy"I pretended to be hungry and I forced myself to not poured out the tears.My dad noticed me.

"Eunji,what happened?"he sounded like a true dad should be.He was like my hero.He was like know what inside my heart."Jungkook came just now to see you"

"I know"

"He said that he likes to be around with you"

"I know"I tried to hold my tears, and I can't hold it anymore.Something like snapped my gut,it hurts so much. I pulled dad into a hug and cried like a baby on his shoulder as he patted me down. I can't stop crying."It's okay sweety,daddy's  here"

"I need to meet him.And say sorry but how?"I sniffed as I can't stop crying."He hates me!"I cried much louder

Teahyung Oppa suddenly grabbed my mouth shut.He bulged his eyes widely,"Just meet him"


"No accuses, I don't want my eardrums burst and I ended up became a deaf man. I really young to be deaf at this age. I hate to see you cry because of the guy.Where's my cheerful sister? I want her back."he tickled my back and I stopped crying but ended up with giggles.

"Thanks Oppa"I hugged him."Welcome"he murmured.

"That's my true sister"

I wondered if my life without Teahyung,surely I became very stressful girl who attempted to commit suicide. I really want to meet Jungkook.Every moment I spent with Hansol was like Jungkook was there at the corner of my heart. I can't lie to myself. I love them both.Hansol was my boyfriend and Jungkook was my tablemate. I need them both.Why this world was so cruel...

There's always a reason for this.

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