Nineteen-I need you to survive

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Seventeen One Shot by bbyhosh

Teahyung's pov

Eunji groaned again,trying to get out of my hold. I picked up the pace and practically jogged towards the hospital doors.Fortunately,the door opened automatically within seconds I was inside.

"Oppa,take me down."She groaned.

"I can't.Just hold on!"

"It hurts,my head hurts!"

Eunji shouldn't be that much pain.There was something wrong with her.It worried me that her lips and fingertips turning blue.She probably didn't notice that her breathe was getting shallow.It scared me that she might reached her end so soon...

Stop it Teahyung. I promised her that I would make the pain go away. I'm going to keep that promise.

"Excuse me?!Do you need assistance?!"I had been so caught up in my thoughts that I almost passed the check -in desk.

"Hi,yes my sister needs immediate attention"I rushed towards the woman at the desk.

"I'm afraid we don't take walk-ins-"

"WHAT?!"I paused to let suede anger simmered down a bit."You don't take walk-ins?This is hospital,woman!What do you mean you don't take walk-ins?Do you want her to crawl in?"

"Look sir,all the doctors currently busy"

"Look!What about them?They doesn't look busy."I motion towards the doctors sitting and talking to each other.

The movement of me pointed had Eunji groaned again."Oppa,take me down"

"Look at her!Would you just look at her please?She needs medical attention right now"

"Policy says that we cannot take any walk-ins.I'm sorry sir but I'm going to have you to leave."

I growled in frustration."I'm not gonna leave until she has some kind of doctor seeing her."

There's a few people turned to gawk at us now.My loud outburst were obviously unheard of in hospital but I was annoyed.What kind of hospital doesn't take walk-ins?!What if someone dying!?

The woman sighed and turned back at me."There's a...sudden opening-"

"YES!KAMSAMIDA!KAMSAMIDA!"I exclaimed,feeling need to hug this woman.God thank you.

She shushed me,putting her her fingers on her lips as people stared over at us. I don't care about glares. I'm too happy about the opening.

"Go down this hallway and go to room 215.Tell Dr. Lee Jong Suk that I'm calling in that favour he owes me."She scribbled something on a piece of paper,folded it and handed it to me.She pointed down the hallway."I wish your sister in the good health."

"Thank you so much.I'll repay you, I promise"I said earnestly before jogging off to the directed hallway. I promised. I am going to make it up to that woman.

I ran up to the hallway,glancing at the door numbers.209.210.212. I dodged past people to make sure Eunji as level as possible.She was in the relaxed state so I hope she wasn't not going through pain again.


The sign outside the closed door reads,'Dr. Lee Jong Suk'. I shifted Eunji in my arms as I knocked the door lightly. It opened and a tall young doctor stepped out.His age at range 25-28 in my opinion.

"My name Dr. Lee Jong Suk.May I help you?"His voice,however surprises me at how clear and powerful it is.

"The woman at the desk told me to tell you that's she's calling for a favor you owe her."I told him,feeling stupid because I didn't ask her name."Oh she gave me this note,"I said before Dr Lee Jong Suk told me that I am mistaken. I can see confusion in his eyes.

He took the note and read over it.Dr. Lee Jong Suk nodded and glanced down at Eunji."Well do you wish to put her down or are you contain with carrying her?"His voice held so much amused sarcasm that I felt to laugh at him.But instead I just nodded and smiled,following him into the room.

"You can place her on the bed."

"Thank you so much for doing this at such a short notice,doctor"I put Eunji on the bed.

"You're welcome.So let's see what's the problem is"Dr. Lee Jong Suk said,slipping on gloves and walked towards Eunji's still in form.

The doctor asked me to leave soI walked out of the room,sitting on the plastic chair.I rolled my fist into a ball and glanced the ground.Hoping for the best.Hoping she'll stay alive and please survived.


I leaved them for a couple of minutes and I saw,the woman who was typing on the keyboard."Hey."I greeted her."I have a question,'What's inside the note you gave me?'"I suddenly wanted her answer

"I told you to give it to Dr. Lee Jong Suk.It's non of your business."She exclaimed,continue typing. I glanced over and saw her legs.Another one was iron leg."What was happening to your leg?"I asked

"Car accident ..brutal car accident."

"Sorry to hear that,erm..maybe this would help.10,000 $ from me to you,no returns"I chuckled,feeling good inside of me.

"I-I-I can't take this"She stammered as her tears started to stream down her face. I rubbed her back and held her hands with comfort."You have no idea how much this meant to me"she shook her head.

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