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Eunji is getting lost her memory when she's dating,where the nicest boyfriend she met will turn her upside down as she keep asking his name and repeated the same questions over and over again.
But please read this sweet chapter

Here we go!To infinity and beyond!!


Vernon's pov

I glanced my watch and wandered around.She should be here in 30 minutes.Where did she go? She making me worried.

I ran my hand through my hair as I walked a few paces to the pavement.

Did she just cheated on me?-impossible

I blinked a few times as Eunji waved her hands infront of my face,breaking my attention from my depression.

"Sorry,were you saying anything?"

"It was nothing important don't worry.Where's your mind at,you've been out of all the time."

"I was just thinking about my mom"i said nonchalantly.

"As always"she said nudging my side grinning."What about me?Are you thinking of me ?"

"Just about what you did on me and late 2 hours or more than what we've planned."

"That's most adorable thing you've ever done for me"

"I know.And you go and ruined it by not answering my calls or reply me back."I sighed,why couldn't she see how much I was in love with her.

"Sorry,Hansol"she said with a low voice as she lowered her face.

"I hope you didn't ruin my gift.Don't let your brother take it from you. I gave the gift special for you,not him."

"Oh,that chocolate box ,I already gave my brother..I hate chocolates."she grinned

"Honestly,you did that?But it's okay as along as you were just cute,little innocent girl who didn't understand that it was a symbol of love."I sighed,the only reason she realized it was because I tried to hold her hand. It was so cute how she got all red and wide eyed, as if I had just d she or something. But in the end she let me hold her hand.She pouted the entire time.

I tried to imagine the date in my head. Just like usual date, Eunji would probably insist on sitting in a booth or somewhere with two chairs sitting next to each other. Then I would proceed to sit right next to her, leaving the other side of the table to be preoccupied by empty space. Throughout the night I would inch closer to her, occasionally purposely bumping my arm into her's just so I could touch her.

Eunji's face heated up when she thought about me making my first move on her, trying to grasp her hand. Even though she recalled me as being pouty when they first held hands, I can imagine that she was very happy.

"I fell in love with you for the first time when you let me hold your hand." I breathed out.

She could feel one of my hands slowly stroking her back.

I bit my lip, "When do you think I fell in love with you?" I knew she couldn't give me a definite answer, but at least she could give me an idea.

"Probably the first time that you saw me. I'm gorgeous, so I wouldn't blame you." Eunji joked.

I propped myself up on her forearms, staring at her shining eyes , "I'm serious."

She didn't have many friends or family, so I was all she had for the majority of the time.

She sighed, "I-I don't know."

There was a strong stinging in Eunji's chest when I heard those words, as if a small portion of my heart had broke. I knew she couldn't provide answers all the time.

"That's okay." I lied, resting myself back down onto her shoulder."Let's just go home." I didn't want to talk about it anymore.

"Alright." She could hear the hesitation in my voice.

The date had gone on perfectly. I took her home by a taxi.But she ended up falling asleep on my shoulder. I gazed into her bright eyes as her beauty side by side with her skins glowed in pale gold.

I kissed lightly on her pinkish cheeks and nuzzled her hair that covered her face.I wanted to tell her that I could be more happy when I kissed her,as well as I wanted to cuddle with her all the time

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