Chapter 4

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Kylie's POV :

We arrived at Luke's house and to tell u the truth it was a huge and a beautiful house better say castle .

The door was open and we interred the house , we were welcomed by Luke himself , he hugged us tightly

" hey girls " he said

Tbh i missed him and his cuteness he's so kind and nice to ppl

" hey Luke " I said

" hey buddy " Al said

" I missed u girls and yeah i know u missed me too " he laughed

" tbh i missed u Lukie " I said he'll get mad at me

" oh cmon girl , how many times i should tell u don't call me that nickname " he said in annoying tone

" why not it's cute and it really suits u " i said winking at him " right Al ?"

" yea totally " she chuckled

" no it's not cute and I'm not cute , when u r calling me Lukie i feel like I'm a girl or a kid " he said faking a puppy eyes

I shook my head at his action and smiled , after that we talked a little bit more and then he said he'll talk to us later


After a while Luke came and said

" girls we're going to my fathers club wanna join ?"

Al looked at me and i answered " yeah sure "


After we arrived at the club . We arrived at the club and it was one of my fav clubs

We don't have to wait , we have Luke by our side * grinning ear to ear * , after that we interred the club

After 5 min

" let's dance " Alissa said

" okay "

We were dancing and shaking every part of our body to the song

" oh my my look at this Greek god , he's looking at u " Alissa said and i followed her eyes that were leaning on a hot guy a very hot guy

" he's not a Greek god their are lots of guys that are hotter than him but he's hot to  and he's looking at u " I said

" OMG he's coming in our direction , just calm down Kyle okay " Alissa said

" dude you calm down " I chuckled at her nervousness

" hey girls " the hot guy said

" hey " we said at the same time

" my name is James jackson and can i ask what's your name ?"

" I'm Alissa Anderson  and this is my best friend Kylie Scott " we smiled at him and he smiled back

" nice to meet u ma ladies" he said " well Kyle can i still your gorgeous friend Alissa and dance with her "

" oh it's more than okay u can take her she's all yours " i smiled " I'll go to the bar and drink smth , take care of my little girl J."

" hahaha okay ma'am "  he laughed , i think it's bcuz i already nicknamed him , hmm dk

I went their and pulled my mask off , I was happy just bcuz of Alissa I don't want to ruin her night

" what can i get u sexy lady ?" The bartender asked

" anything that makes me feel better " i looked up at him and oh my my this is what i call it greek god  it's my first time liking a boy from just looking at him cuz I don't have that interesting in boys

He smirked and said " we have other things more than drink if u want babe "

I grab his shirt and pulled him closer  " just a drink and for the offer thanks but no "

" okay girl " he said and went to make me a drink

After 4-5min

"here's a mixture i make it for special people and this one is free cuz your so sexy " he winked and before I thank him , he went to make another order for his customer 

After 3 min he came back to me

" want anything ?" He asked with a smile that will melt ur heart 

" nope " i said popping the 'P'  " thanks for the drink it tastes good " I smiled at him

"No need babe "

"are u just  working here ? " I asked

" it's a personal thing but I'll tell u" he said , i looked at him as he continue " my brother is working here but he can't make it for tonight so he asked me to take his place , and i have no choice cuz he told his boss that I'll take his place , we had a company , but my brother prefers to live a normal life so he's working here  " he finished

" Em-Hm , and what bout u ," I asked . What!! Idk but i was curious

" for now I'm studying my families business work at uni " he answered "and u?"

" same " i answered simply , yes i want to be a makeup artist but i can't anyways cuz my father wants me to be a business women . He lets me do whatever i want and I'm paying him back by studying business , it's the best thing that I can do for him and I'm happy when my dad's happy , he wants me to be a CEO and I'll the best CEO ever

" how old are u ?" He asked

" I'm 20 soon I'll be 21 .u?"

" after a week I'll be 23 "

" well happy early bday " i smiled at him

" thanks babe " he said

Don't kill me

Ik i updated late but what can I do i have exams and personal problems so I'm really sry and hope u forgive me guys love u all ❤️

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