Chapter 5

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Kyle's POV
    That night when we finished talking he asked me my name and i told him , he said that his name is Ryan Parker , yes Parker our companies are working together , after that he gave me his phone number and i gave him mine , and he said that he'll like us to hang out sometimes and i ofc said it'll be fun , i was so exited but didn't show it ofc

" James gave me his phone number " Alissa said , oh i forgot about them

" that's good " i said

" and u ?"

" what about me ?"

" ik u and that bartender were flirting so what happen next ?"

" he gave me his phone number and i gave him mine and it wasn't flirting i found out his dads company and my dads are working together so i took the chance and make him my friend so our companies will work better " I said

" and he's hot " Alissa said

" yeah he is "

" wow you said he's hot " she was acting surprised " it's not everyday that The Kyle Scott says that a boy is hot "

" well he's like a greek god why would i deny it?"

" oh my god Kyle pls stop it , i can't believe your saying that ,  " she acted like she was shocked

" that was so dramatical u know "

" oh yeah "  she said and rolled her eyes with a smile

" We arrived ma'am" Alissa said and i rolled my eyes at her

" well can u stay ?"

" why not " she said and came out of her car and lock it

That night we talked about what we did with the boys at the club i told her everything bout Ryan and she told me how James was flirting with her and all the important stuff after that we make a plan for this summer and then we watched some movies and Disney movies  , especially my favs like hotel Transylvania 2 , and the movies like the neighbors 😍 and others , I love neighbors cuz of Zac Efron he's cute at the same time he's hot ,  did i tell u that James  looks exactly like Zac Efron, well I'm telling u now , they look like twins , but i like Ryan more idk why tho , i guess  we have the same lifestyle and I talked to him more than James , I don't want to judge them or any other ppl , cuz for me judging is not a nice thing especially when u don't know the person well .

The night passes and we have a lots of fun cuz we didn't drink so much alcohol and we weren't drunk , I rarely get drunk , i just get drunk once when i breakup with my ex , he was my first boyfriend since i was 16  we breakup last year , it was hard to move on easily , cuz we were together for 4-5  years I guess , and here i am , a single girl , but I'm free now yayy


The next few days


I was in my room and lying on my bed as always . I don't know why but i spend most of my times in my room and always lying on my bed it make me feel comfortable when I'm upset or feel like I'm alone .

Some ppl might ask :

Why would a girl like u feel alone ? U have everything girl !!

Yeah i have everything but i miss my mother , i know Rose's always there for me , but their is some love and emotions that only your parents can gave u . Especially mother , I think mothers are the best things in everyones life , dude don't hurt your mother she's an angle but on earth , God bless us by giving us mothers , love ur mother and never hurt her , dude u r hurting her and u don't know we hurt them before we were borne u know why !? Cuz she holds her babe for 9 months and when we grow up we're hurting them by not listing to them cuz we know she's telling the truth and also we hurt them by not respecting the

Every day when we wake up we must hug and kiss our mothers cuz they are the most beautiful and careful person in this big world

Yeah my father loves me to death but i need my mother , you know their are some talks between mother and daughter i want to feel this . Like when u arrive at home at midnight she'll yell at you cuz she was worried about u and she wants the best for u . I really miss my mother very much *sigh*

( A/N I wanna cry this part i writ it with all my heart it's already 3:27a.m if it wasn't that late I was planing to run to my mother to hug and kiss her 😭 love u mommy ❤️ and pls guys don't hurt ur mothers . Maybe some of u say it's bullshit but for me it's not . If u hate ur parents then don't think that there will be sm1 who'll love u 😊anyways back to the story )

*tring* text msg

Hey beautiful 😘-Ryan

Ryan . I'm bored lets play with him

Sry u send this msg to the wrong person -K

No no no !!! I'm sure i send it right . Aren't u Kylie? 😳  - R

Yeah it's Kylie . Who r u ? 😕 -K

U tell me .... -R

Well in my option u r some creepy who's stalking me 😐 -K *hyhyhy*

Who's creepy huh ?-.- , and I'm not stalking u , u gave me ur phone number !! -R

Sry but i don't remember can u tell me pls who u r ? -K

I'm Ryan -.- -R

Oh Ryan!!! -K

Yea oh Ryan -R

Hhhhh sry -K well it was fun playing with him

Don't worry . Anyways i just wanted to hang out this evening if u have time -R

Hang out or date ? 😜 -K

For now it's just hang out .... What's your answer are u coming ? -R

Sure 😄 -K

So I'll pick u up at 5:40 ?-R

Okay -K

Great 😀 . C ya soon beautiful - R


OMG what to wear !!!


Hey hey hey

( OMG what to wear ) hhhh every girls problem .... Well not every girl  anyways

Hope u like it and i won't update till 30/5 i guess cuz my exams r starting 😞 but maybe I'll update on  6-7/5 if i had time 😪😭

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