Chapter 14

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Ryan's POV:

I was in my office when someone knocked on my door

" come in " i said without looking up

"Hello sir "

I looked up and saw a girl " what can i do for you ? " I asked looking down at my papers again

" you don't remember me ? " she said

I looked up at her " no "

" Ryan like really ? Why you're so cold dude ?" She asked

" excuse me ?"

" you hear me " she said

" who are you ?"

" I'm Sam dude " she said with a smile her name was familiar to me .. i guess she noticed my question look

" Sammy Scott .. Kylie's smaller sister " she said rolling her eyes

"SAM " I walk to her and hug her

" finally " she said with a chuckle

" dude last time i saw you we were 5 .. how could i recognize you "

" it's okay Ryan "

" come sit and tell me everything "

We sit " okay so I come here with my mom , we want to see Kylie and dad "

" and.."

" we don't know where she lives "

" where is your mother ?"

" she's in the car "

" let's go " i said

" where? " she asked

" to Kylie's " I said and pulled her


Ford Taurus emm i like her car .. i looked at the passengers side and saw Rosalie (Kylie's mother ) she opened the door and hugged me so tightly i hugged her back

" Ryan i missed you baby" she said

" I missed you too rosy "

" you're a man now last time i saw you you were a little kid " she said a tear fall from her cheeks

" don't cry rosy " I said " let's go to my house " I said and she nodded

I called my mom

Hello-she said

Hey mom guess what - i said

What ? Are you okay baby - she said with a worried voice

Yes mom I'm okay don't worry - I said

Then what ?- she said

I'm coming home now and i have some guests with me cook something delicious for lunch - i said

Okay sweetie - mom said

Bye mom- i said

By sweetheart drive safely -she said and hung up


" Mom I'm home " I said and she and Kylie come out from the kitchen

" Kylie ! Hey babe " i said and peck her lips and she blushed "hi"

" hey sweetie , welcome home .. where are your guests ?"

" they're here " I said and they looked at the door

" Rosalie " my mom screamed and hugged her

"Megan i missed you girl " she said with a smile yeah they're still best friends

I looked at Kylie who's shocked right now she looked at me .. I smiled at her but she was about to cry .. my smile faded i know she's holding her tears , i know it's because she's happy to see her mother and sister

" Sam come give me a hug" my mother said and they hugged

Rosalie and Sam both looked at Kylie, Rosalie walked to her , she was about to grab her hand and hug her but Kylie pulled away

" don't even touch me " Kylie said , i was surprised so do all of them

" Kylie please baby I'm sorry" rosy said and grabbed her hands

" I said don't fucking touch me " Kylie yelled at her

" babe don't talk like that to your mother " I said trying to calm her down

" no she's not my mother she's just a women who ..... "She put a hand on her mouth and run away

" she's so dramatical " Sam said

" shut up she's not " her mother said " she have every right to be angry at me "

I run after her but she was nowhere to be found . What the fuck just happen ? I thought she'll be happy to see her sister and mother but i guess not

Important :

Hey guys it's been a long time sorry for not updating but I'm very busy with my new school and being the new girl sucks . I have a lot of friends tho but it's still awkward and everyday i have exam and quizzes so I'm really sorry I'm trying my best to update as soon as i can

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