Chapter 7

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Kylie's POV :
It's been two week since the date night . Well it wasn't a date , it was i guess , i don't know what it was ... Since that whatever you call it night I'm confused ... I don't know what's wrong with me .. Like when i see him i smile like a fool .. I laugh at his meaningless jokes ... We do foolish things when we're together .... Like we're getting crazy when we get together .. It's weird but fun we're having a lots of fun lately

I had a phone call yesterday and it was my father ... He said that he'll came back tomorrow , it means today so i went to the airport to get him , i know he could come here by himself but i miss him a lot and i wanna see him as soon as possible and tell him about Ryan and what i was doing when he wasn't around ... I'm so exited to tell him

So i went to my room and changed my clothes to a neon yellow jeans and a white shirt ... I didn't were much make up i just put lipgloss  and then put on a brown sunglass cuz i don't have mood to put so much make up

I went to the airport and immediately saw my father .. I run to hug him tight

" dad , I missed you " i whispered in his ear

" hey my little princess, i missed you too " he hugged me as tight as i did

" what happened dad? u said you'll return after two or three months ?"

" i don't know Kylie.. Let's go home and I'll tell you everything.. I'm tired now " he answerd

" okay " I said
" Rose we're home " I yelled from the door

She rushed to us and welcomed my dad
" welcome home sir "

" how are you Rose?" My dad asked with a smile

" I'm fine sir thank you " she blushed

Why blushing Rose? I smirked at her .. I have to do something about this two .. I don't wanna see my dad alone anymore

" Kylie come to my room " dad ordered .. He went to his room.. I looked at Rose and she was looking at me

" go go " she said

" ok ok "

" what's wrong dad?" I asked worried

" our companies are in danger Kylie and i don't know what to do " he said

Well I'm shocked

"I'm really tired .. I can't do everything alone " he was about to cry , I never seen him like that my heart broke into thousands of pieces

" and your mom's coming this week to visit you  " he said now he's angry

Great just great


Very short chapter and very late update
I'm rly sorry but what should i do it's summer and i don't rly have much time to update but I'll try my best


Love you 💖

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