Chapter 9

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Kylie's POV:
After the phone call with Alissa I looked at the clock and it was 5:10 , I didn't need to take a shower because last night I did so I went to my closet and look around it . After 10 minutes of searching a black short dress that was over the knee catches my eyes ,I took it and lay it on the bed , now I have 40 minutes to get ready,

I walked to the bathroom to put some makeup and do my hair first I curled my hair then grab my bag of makeup .. I put foundation , some pink lipstick and mascara, it was now 5:55 , five minutes!! What !!

I rushed and wear the dress and it looks perfect

" Kylie are you ready?" My dad yelled


" yes dad a few seconds and I'll be down the stairs " I lied

I searched my jewelries and found a golden colored necklace and bracelet the same color as the necklace then i put a black heels after that I grab my golden colored purse

I searched my jewelries and found a golden colored necklace and bracelet the same color as the necklace then i put a black heels after that I grab my golden colored purse

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I went down the stairs and we run into the car

" we'll be late now " he said

" yeah sorry dad "

After 10 minutes of driving we arrived Parker-s house was 4 blocks away from ours so yeah

Dad knocked the door and mr.parked opened the door ... He hugged my dad

" welcome James.. Come in come in .... Act like you're in your house "

" thanks jack ..." Dad said

" is that Kylie ?" He asked surprisingly

" yeah this is my little princess " he looked at me his eyes softened

Mr.parked hugged me " welcome sweetheart.. You look gorgeous.. And you're much more beautiful than i last saw you " he said with a smile when he pull away

" thanks mr.parker !" I said with a blush

" please call me jack " he said with a smile

" okay jack it is " I said and smiled sweetly

" come in you two .. Dinner will be ready soon" jack said

We sat in the living room .. After a few minutes a beautiful women come to the living room

" welcome welcome James " she said with a welcoming tone and hugged my dad

" how are you Megan ?" Dad asked while hugging her

" I'm good thanks and you ?" She asked

" I'm fine "

" this is Kylie right ?" She asked

"Yes I am " I answered nicely

" oh my god !!, look at you !! You look beautiful Kylie " she said and hugged me

I thanked her and dad asked them " where's your son jack ?"

" he's at his room ... Kylie can you please go to his room and tell him that you and your dad's here ?" Jack answered

I looked at my father and he nodded " sure "
Really why me I'm not in the mood to see my future what so called husband... I asked one of the service that was working here

" excuse me where can i find mr.parker's son's room ? " I asked with a smile

" go to the end of the hallway and the last door in the left is his room " she said sweetly

" thank you "

I walked till the end of the hall way and knocked the door twice but their was no answer so i opened the door and my eyes widened and put my hands on mouth to reject the scream that was coming from my mouth

Ryan's POV :

" WHAT!?" I yelled at my father

" lower your voice young man " he said simply

" but I wanna Choose my own wife dad .. You promised me that you'll at least let me choose the one i wanna marry " I said angrily

" yeah? You're acting like you're a girl in her period " he rolled his eyes

" what if I tell you i love someone?"

" you have a girlfriend?" He asked

" no but I like someone " I said with a blush

" like or love?"

" I don't know I'm confused "

" then it's okay .. They'll come tonight for dinner.. Me and your mom invited them ... Wear something nice " he said


" hey son i didn't asked .. I ordered " he said with a proud smile

Maybe you'll say what a father .. But he's really nice and caring but I don't know what's wrong with him today

He told me that they'll be here at about 6 and now it was 5:55 so i went to my room and take a shower and wrap a towel around my waist after that i make my hair then I went to my closet to we're some fancy suit and I lied the suit on my bed

He told me that they'll be here at about 6 and now it was 5:55 so i went to my room and take a shower and wrap a towel around my waist after that i make my hair then I went to my closet to we're some fancy suit and I lied the suit on my bed

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I just want to know who the hell is that girl *rolling eyes*

While I was wearing my boxer someone opened the door and there she was .. Her eyes were wide and she was about to scream ..

" I'm really s-sorry .... i didn't m-mean to ... I ... I ... -" she said

" it's okay really ... Wait ... Kylie what are you doing here ?" I asked . She couldn't be !!??

" I wanna ask the same question .. But I'm here cause Mr.parker invited us to dinner ... " she said confused

" wait Parker - her eyes widened again - that means you .. Oh my god " She said

" what the..." That means you'll be my wife soon " I said with a hidden smirk ..well I'm happy because its her I already like her

She blushed .. Awww that's cute

" your dad send me to tell you that we're here" she said changing the subject

" oh okay ... I'll be down the stairs at about 5 minutes " I said

She turned around to walk but I stop her

" you can stay here " I said and run to the closest with the clothes in my hand not waiting for her answer.. I want her to stay her

After five minutes i went back to her and she was sitting on the bed

" let's go " I told her

She smiled and stand up .. I grab her warming hands and went down the stairs


Yes it's not a dream i updated again😎😂

I deserve a Vote from you come on don't be shy just


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