Chapter 11

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I just love Zayns new song and I'm addicted to it 😍😍 and back to the story 😅bye now


Kylie's POV :
I don't know what to wear , oh god he said wear a skirt but i don't like them , I have 2 hours oh I don't know what to do , I'll call Alissa , yes!

I dialed her number and she answered quickly thank god

K- heyyyy

A- hiii

K- how are you?

A- okay bítch tell me what you want .. You won't call me without a reason

K- ughhhh you know me very well Al ... U remember i told u about my date with Ryan ?

A- of course how could I forget that .. So

K- i don't know what to wear and he said wear skirt not jeans or shorts so I'm stalked .. Can you please come over and help me ?

A- okay I'm coming in 10

K- okay thank you thank you thank you

A- no problem bítch what are friends for

K- Hahahaha yeah

A- okay muah bye see ya in a bit

K- muah bye

After 15 min or so

"Where have you been you said 10 minutes bítch " i said nervously

" hey hey calm down and let's get to work" she said

After a while

" oh my god "

" what!?!" I asked

" I found it" she said

" oh thank god " I said " show me what you got girl "

She pulled a mixed color skirt that was over my knees and a pink fancy shirt

" woah it's cute "

" I know " she smirked to herself " Ryan will eat you" she winked at me ... Oh well , I blushed a little

" okay let me do your hair and makeup " Alissa said

" okay we have only 55 minutes left so can u please harry up "

" okay okay chill "

She straitened my hair and put some foundation , a lot of mascara , A beautiful pink lipstick , and finally eyeliner

I put on my clothes and a matching heels , golden colored purse and some jewelries

" okay I'm ready " I said

" yeah yeah welcome " she said and laughed

" thank you so much Al ..i look pretty and it's all because of you , thank u very much " I thanked her

" no need girl I'm always here for u " she said and we hugged

" hey what's with you and mr. Jackson" i winked at her

" oh my god i was going to tell u something but not now " she said

" oh come on tell me "

" no "

" common"

" no"

"Bítch common tell me "

" ok ok " she role her eyes and smiled ear to ear

" he asked me out and i said yes " we both looked at each other for a second or two and

" aaaaaaaaa" yeah we screamed from happiness

" oh my god this is Amazing "

" I know right" she said and cupped her face

" I find it cute how me and you are best friends also Ryan and James are BFF's too " I said and we both chuckled

Someone knocked on my bedroom door

" yes ?"

" miss Kylie there is a man waiting for you in the living room " on of our servers said

" oh okay tell him I'm coming " I said with a smile

" okay miss " she went out

" go go gooooo " Alissa said to me

I chuckled " okay okay I didn't know you're that bored from me "

She role her eyes " yes I'm bored bye "

" bye " I said and shake my head

" hey Kylie " I looked at her with a question look "good luck sweetie "

" thanks baby " I said and walked

When I walked to the living room I was surprised

" you " I said with a big smile

" hey Kylie you missed me " he said with a smile

" OMG I missed you ......"

" I'll destroy them , how dare u Ryan , how dare u , you're dating a girl who's not me and you're GONNA MARRY HER , poor you two this is not gonna end up happily "

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