Chapter 21

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Kylie's POV:
    The best things in life are worth waiting for.. fighting for..believing in and just never letting go of

That's what people say mostly for me life was like that before my accident. I'm still shocked that my own sister did that to me for what? For a man! I don't know how to feel actually, it's sad though

Because I was so excited for us , I thought we can have a normal sister bonding again , I thought life can't get any better when my sister and my mother came to my life again but guess what it turn out the other way

and there is the man of my dreams Ryan

Though I love Ryan so much and he told me about how my own sister did that to me, I really love him he was and is always there for me and I know he'll be there for me in the future

He and my father are the only ones I trust that they won't hurt me

And there's my mom .. I don't know what to say about her .. we're trying to get alone together and I'm trying to trust her but I really don't know..and i should think about it 

But not now .... I won't tell the reason now

And there's me I'm feeling better it's been five months since I'm not in that boring building that's called hospital and thank god the doctor called yesterday and said that I'm okay now and back to normal...

My parents and Ryan they were always there for me for the past five months and I really appreciate them

And if you forget it's been nearly six months that Ryan is my fiancé

I feel stressed though everyone is in a hurry ... me too

Things are getting better now and i love my life because I have my family and soon to be called husband with me

Oh I forgot to tell u guys

Guess what

Oh come on guess

If you guess right then u deserve an award

Well.... I'm so stressed because I'm 2 months pregnant  and I'm now shopping for my wedding dress for next week

And if you can guess who's babies I'm having in my belly ... it's of course Ryan's and I'm having twins .. a girl and a boy 

I'm so happy  .. I always thank god for giving me this much blessing and for surrounding me by kind people

I'm the luckiest girl in the world I'm that girl who's parents are an amazing person my father is the best father any girl could get

My mom she's doing her best and I really appreciate it I love her she's my mother at the end

Ryan's parents are being so nice to me it's unreal they like me a lot by the way I love them too

Alissa and James are engaged too I'm so happy for them it's been a month they're head over heels for each other .. I love that and what makes them happy makes me happy

Again I'm the luckiest girl in the world because I'm marrying the Greek God that I'm In Love With

~ the end


I'm really sorry I wasn't updating I don't know what to say im just sorry I was busy with studying and exams thanks for being patient for waiting for my updates

Love u guys sooooo much

Also I think I'll be writing another story but not soon I just love writing so I don't know when I'll be writing another book

Again thanks for reading this story and supporting me I love u guys a lot
Here's some photos

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