Misleading Actions

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"...ing!" a voice stirred you from your sleep. You and Sting were cuddling whilst leaning on the bolder. The sky was darker than you remembered, but it occurred to you that the sky was darkest right before dawn. "Sting!" The voice got louder-- closer.

Sting heard the voice too, and he woke up, squeezing you before he opened his cobalt-blue eyes. "Sting!" After some processing, you dubbed the voice Dunya's.

"So help me..." you growled and a dark aura surrounded you. Without warning, Sting's warm lips crashed into yours and you blinked in surprise.

"Go back to sleep." Sting pulls away and lifts a finger to his soft lips and pulled you closer— if possible— and closed his eyes.

You did the same, trying not to erupt in magic every time Dunya called out for Sting and got closer.

"God! Where is he?" You could hear her her right behind the bolder. You keep your eyes closed, and assume Sting does and patiently wait for his cue.

"Sti-" she yells right above you and in your ear. "Sting! Get up! Didn't you hear me?!" She shakes him and he wakes up, but you don't know if you're supposed to.

He taps your waist and you take that as a sign to wake up. Funny that two 40 year-olds are using 16 year-old tactics.

"Hey Dunya." Sting let's go of you and you feel the warmth of his magic leave you and you shiver.

"What is she doing here? Shouldn't she have gone home?" Dunya asked as if you weren't even there.

"I could ask the same of your sissy." You smirk knowing you caught her off guard.

"Well... Whatever, Sting we're going home." She crosses her arms.

"...Yeah." Sting stood up and you sat there with tears about to spill from your eyes. You didn't understand him anymore.

"Common, (Y/N)." Sting held out his hand to you. "Let's go home." (Cries)

You looked up and a single tear left your eye. You saw the sun rise behind him.

You hesitated and took his hand. He hoisted you on your feet then into his arms, princess-style.

"Wait what?! Sting!" Dunya whined as Sting carried you away, into the sunrise.


Morgan: Then maybe don't use Tokyo Ghoul references in your stories


Jellal: Jesus... (399 words)

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