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"Hey so (Y/N)..." The door swung open again. Sting had a mouthful your breast as you were sitting in his hips. Again.

"I told you to lock the door." You hissed at Sting.

"I thought you locked it!" He responded and tossed you off of him onto the bed.

Turns out the person at the door was Dunya and you could seen the anger in her eyes come back. "I came here to..." She gritted her teeth. "I came here to ask you for help." She said as if she were struggling to get those words out.

"Hey." You got up and grabbed her hands. "No more threats, no more hate. We worked too hard to get here Dunya." You shook your head hoping she wouldn't go back to her old ways.

She nodded and it took her a while to say what she came here for. Sting got dressed in the mean rim and handed you your clothes.

"Christina went missing. I can't find her and no one's seen her." She looked up at you with tired eyes.

Sting stopped. He looked between you and Dunya and pushed through you running down the stairs taking Dunya with him.

You were left alone in the room.


"Christina!" You yelled at the air, hoping the little girl would come out. Both guilds were looking for her, but like Dunya said she's gone missing.

Hours pasted and the sun started to set. "Guy's I don't think she's here." Gale huffed irritated. Not many were fond of the small child but doesn't mean we can't take care of her.

"Yeah... Let's go. Look for her tomorrow." Levy leaned on Lucy. Natsu shrugged, his nose proving useless.

"Hey you guys!" Mira's group waved you over. "We found her!"

You guys ran over to find the small child clutching Wendy's hand. She looked older, like she had aged 5 years.

She looked up at you and let go of Wendy and took a few steps toward you with such and emotionless expression.

No one knew what she was going to do so you stood there unmoving.

"Die." She said and lunged forward at you and she had posses some blue lighting magic. Her hand collided with your stomach before anyone could stop her and a shock went through your body.

You fell unconscious.

A/N: Whoo! I bet you guys are confused as to why I take so long to publish chapters

Morgan: Yup

A/N: No ideas

Natsu: That must be bad

Gray: No shit dumb dumb

Erza: Knock it off. So what's up with the writers block?

Lucy: It happens to me all the time. Sometimes you just need to forget about it for an idea to sprout

Wendy: Yeah

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