Death of Frenda

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Frenda shivered, hugging her phone to her chest... 

How could he have chosen that moment to forget his phone!? When she needed him most!?

Frenda never used to like Ben Tennyson. In fact, she used to hate him the same way she hated Railgun

for the humiliation they had experienced in their defeat. As if it wasn't enough that Railgun single handidly defeated  all of ITEM, Ben Tennyson had to do it in an a more spectacular manner.. this strange warrior from out of the blue...

But now.. Frenda was beginning to see the world wasn't so black and white anymore..


Frenda stood in front of a burning building, tearfully hugging her little sister, and in front of her... stood Heatblast, whom had just rescued both girls.

There was a flash of green light as Heatblast reverted back into human form.

"Why?" said Frenda tearfully. "You must've known she was my sister! Why would you help her!?"

"Because.." said Ben. "It's just what I do.. I'm not some guy who would choose who to save based on prejudice or grudges.. if somebody is in front of me.. and they need saving... if their tears are the result of needing help.. then why hesitate?

"You..?" Frenda looked at Ben, astonished. "But... I was part of what hurt your girl friend...? How could you ever do that?"

"I might not forget.. but I can forgive." said Ben. "Who knows if it's right or wrong to do that? But.. I can't help but forgive... it's how my Grandpa raised me I guess.. how my Mom and Dad taught me.. only guy I ever met that I could never forgive was Vilgax.. and even now I'm learning to forgive him little by little.. "

"To forgive a creature as vile as Vilgax?" said Frenda. "Just what kind of person are you?"

"Probably a guy who makes absolutely no sense.." said Ben. "But.. I guess I can learn to live with that side of myself.."

Frenda's sister looked up at Ben and smiled. "Thank you mister.."

Ben grinned and gave the two sisters a salute. "My pleasure."

Ben then did something that surprised Frenda most of all.. he handed her a cellphone. "This used to be my cousin's... it has my phone number on it already.. if you ever need help... just call.."


Frenda wiped some tears from her eyes. This boy, had inspired her beyond anything... and yet.. right now.. even he couldn't save her...

She was currently in Bellwood's park. She loved the park, she used to take her little sister Fremea to the park all the time.. but now.. she was probably going to die in one... 

Sure enough... Mugino had just walked out from behind a tree, a shadow crossing her merciless face..

"So.." said Mugino. "You were the last person I expected to ever betray us.. I always thought it would be Rikou.. Her feelings for that Hamazura boy were always a big issue for me..

"M-Mugino-senpai.." Frenda stammered, backing away.

"Don't call me that.." Mugino whispered. "You don't have the right.. not after what you did... ITEM was dismantled by the way... disbanded if you will.."

"Rikou and Saiai!?" Frenda stammered. "NO!"

"Oh don't worry, they're still alive.. for now.." said Mugino. "I dismantled ITEM of my own free will.. so I could kill all the little traitors myself."

A Certain Scientific Omnitrix, Book 6, Battle RoyaleWhere stories live. Discover now