Trial of Impulser

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Mikoto flew over the desert in her Ultimate Echo Echo mecha suit.. carrying Ben in her arms.

"Hey.." Mikoto said. "you still okay?"

"Yeah.." Ben moaned. "Spectacular.."

"This isn't right, I should bring you to the hospital straight away." said Mikoto. "Whatever he hit you with, it's amazing you're not dead!"

"Well he's worse off.." said Ben.

"No he isn't, he's just knocked out for who knows how long!" said Mikoto. "When he wakes up, he's going to be in WAY better condition then you for sure.."

"The thing that matters is that we've got to go help the others." Ben muttered.

"Are you kidding? You think monsters like Impulser and Accelerator need help?" Mikoto said.

"Well.. before.. whenever we've encountered the Highbreed.. we've always only encountered just one overseeing any DNAlien operations." Ben said. "Can you imagine how difficult it would be... if there were multiple Highbreed?"

"Multiple?" said Mikoto.

"The size of this signal." Ben said. "It indicates a HUGE base.."

Mikoto's eyes widened at the thought of fighting a large amount of Highbreed.

"Reinserrac.. the Highbreed we fought on the Queen of the Adriatic.." Ben said. "Mikoto.. you and I both know that he wasn't even that high up in the chain of command.. in fact.. he probably wasn't even a warrior!! That Wildheit.. was probably the first Highbreed we ever met that was actually trained for combat! If this base is as big as the signal indicates.."

"Dear god.." Mikoto whispered.  "Just one of those things is as strong as Humungousaur.. multiply them.. and give them soldier combat training.."

"And we have something that maybe even Accelerator and Impulser can't fight." Ben said. Accelerator's invincible against them only as long as his battery lasts.. we have to get there QUICK!"

"RIGHT!" Mikoto stammered as she began to fly a little faster.


The group that had come into Los Soledad were currently traveling in pairs.. each pair was searching for one thing... information on how they could probably disrupt operations here the most..

Impulser had been paired for Misaka Worst for two reasons. They weren't sure if she'd try to kill Accelerator if paired with him, and Impulser was the best suited to keeping her in line.

"They'll probably have one massive fusion generator powering most of their machinery." Kevin had said. "Take that down.. and it will not only disrupt stuff, but it'll make a hell of a show blowing things up... problem is.. there will be quite a bit of blast radius to avoid.. and.. they'll likely have that being the most heavily guarded."

That sounded quite interesting to Impulser. Though he had met the Wildheit, he had never met other Highbreed before, and he heard they were tough.. really really tough.. it was as if Christmas had come early for this battle crazed maniac.

Impulser peeked out from behind a weapons warehouse with Misaka Worst right behind him.

"Eh? Misaka feels like you're just purposely ignoring me now!" said Worst, grinning with her usual mischievous expression. "What? You feeling annoyed by me?"

"A little?" said Impulser. "You know, it would be so easy to just kill you now and pretend you tried to escape.."

"Ehhhh? Then you'd miss me!" said Worst. "It's so obvious the legendary Impulser wouldn't have the guts to kill Misaka! Not anymore anyways! The question is obvious to Misaka though... why?"

A Certain Scientific Omnitrix, Book 6, Battle RoyaleWhere stories live. Discover now