Suga Chapter 7: Are We Caught

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Today's the day if we succeeded or not. I really hope that we did. V and J-Hope were hanging out together, well that's strange... V is being so close to him, I've never seen V be that close to him. Well whatever, but the main reason here is about Jin and Rapmon. If the plan worked then V was really right about these two, huh.

The four boys and I were all in the washroom (it was like our secret hideout), we talked about a different plan. Both J-Hope and V will spy on the future couple. While Jungkook, Jimin, and I will probably  have nothing else to do.

"Ok you two, here's the walkie talkies." "Really? Walkie talkies?!" "Yea these are the unused ones, they're from a friend of mine. To contact me, you have you use those arrow buttons to find my channel. And by arrow buttons, I mean the up and down arrows at the left." These two better understand how to use it or I'll rip my head off. "Ahhh I see but what's a channel?" He made an ageyo face and talked like a kid, which is really annoying. "V it's a number of the walkie talkie, I guess. Since I'm number 27 you'll have to use the left arrow buttons to search my number not the arrows at the right, the right one is the volume." "Thanks Suga-hyung for teaching us." "Yea no prob."

The three of us were about to leave but then J-Hope wanted to ask me another question and it's really making me pissed. "Wait what's our number or channels?" "J-Hope you're 21 and V you're 25, remember that. Any more questions?" "Ummm also why didn't Jungkook and Jimin get walkie talkies?" "Because they don't know how to use it, now anymore questions or I'll rip your eyes out of your eye sockets..." "NO SIR!!!" "Now let's go and do this shit. I'm tired." "Suga that's mean! We both know how to use walkie talkies." "Shuddap Jimin, you don't."

The guys went to spy on Rapmon and Jin, while the three of us just sit on the lunch table and really do nothing. I then heard the buzz from my walkie talkie-it was J-Hope. "Hello? Hello? This is Hope. Can you hear me?" "Uh huh, we can hear you very well." "Oi J-Hope, did you find anything yet?" "Yea we did-" "WHAT?! REALLY!!" Jimin and Jungkook were both excited like dogs, it's like they're wagging their tails or something. "Be quiet you two, Rapmon and Jin might here you." "Sorry Suga hyung." "Ok, umm both of them were talking about the movie theatre and kissing." The three of us were really silent when we heard kissing. Jimin wanted to talk to J-Hope so I gave him the walkie talkie. He looked confused at the moment. "J-J-Hope what do you mean by kissing?"
"I'm thinking that they kissed but I'm not sure... I could've misheard it." "Oh, but is V there?" "V is in a different hiding spot which is closer to Rapmon and Jin." "Where are you hiding?" "I'm in the huge bushes where it's 2 blocks away from them." "That's good." "Jimin give it to me." "Here." I grabbed the walkie talkie. "Thanks J-Hope, remember to tell us more about their conversation later when you come back." "Yes sir!" We waited for them. Those two must be taking a long ass time to come back. It's been about 9 minutes and they're not back, I heard another buzz. But it was from V, he sounded like he was panicking while whispering to us.

"Captain we have a problem." "What is it?" "I think they know about our set up." Jungkook ran around and was screaming as if it was the end. "Wait, hold up V, what are you saying??" "I heard it from both of them." "Really?" "Yea I did, Rapmon was talking about how they're going to punish us because we left both of them alone in the theatre." "Then what happened?" "Jin also wants us to get punish too. Which we get punished by eating something gross." "Hyung, what are we going to do?" "I don't know Kookie but wait." "Kookie?"

"V what hiding spot are you in right now?" "I'm actually hiding on a tree... That's right next to Jin and Rapmon." "What! Are you crazy?! Are you out of your mind??!" "Shhhhhh, I can ace this y'know? I'm not going to fall ok." "Yea right. I can hear one of the branches cracking." "Oh real- wait what?! Whaaaaaa!!!!" CRACK! "V?... V?!... V?!!!" The boys and I were panicking, we didn't know what to do now! Jimin messed up his hair and Jungkook was going wild. "Suga hyung!!! We gotta figure out something!!! Or else we're dead!!!!!!!" I slammed my palm on the table really hard. "I DON'T KNOW WHAT TO DO JIMINIE!!!" It gave him a shock. "Wait what? Jiminie??" "But now what?! V fell off a tree! J-Hope is left alone, and we're here doing nothing!!!" "Fine! You two, we'll just go in the washroom, lock the door and hide to figure out our plan so both of them can't find us!!"

Eventually we did went to the washroom and try to figure out a plan, it was still hard yet we tried. We couldn't contact J-Hope either, he wasn't even picking up. So we really have nothing to do, and now both J-Hope and V are our only hope. I really don't want to eat something horrible for a punishment, I rather get kicked in the stomach than eating what they're giving me.

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