Teach me to love ~Naruto~: Chapter 1

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What did I do, what did I do, WHAT DID I FREAKING DO?! Theres no way I could be in trouble already! I mean, I've only been home for two days. That be a record if I got in trouble a lready.... Well maybe not a record. But pretty dang close!

I walked sillently into the kage tower and tried my best to sneak past the secretary desk but saddly failed.

"Hi Naruto." She said without much enthusiasm.

"Hehe, hi Suri."

"What did you do this time?"

"Nothing! I swear!"

She looked up at me and went back to typing whatever she was working on. "Sure you didn't. Lady Tsunadie is waiting for you in her office. Go on up."

I took the stairs two at a time, wanting to get this over with. Now I like Grandma Tsunadie. She's pretty cool. But she has quite the temper on her sometimes. Just as I was about to knock I heard her low 'Enter'. Gingerly and sillently, I opened the door and slipped inside.

She looked up at me. "Take a seat." What did I do...?

In the chair next to mine was a short skinny boy about my age, maybe a year younger. His blue hair was cut in a choppy manner so it hung in his yellow eyes. After a closer look, I relised he was wearing wired rim glasses. The boy looked up at me and smiled.

"Thank you for coming Naruto. I want you to meet Charlie." She gestured to the boy next to me. "Charlie here is from Iwagakure and proven the smartest person in all five great nations." Okay. What does this have to do with me? Does this mean I'm not in trouble? "I've asked Charlie to come tutor you."


"Don't you 'What' me boy! I'm trying to help you!" Lady Tsunadie composed herself. "It takes more than great ninja skills to be Hokage Naruto. You also have to have book smarts. And that's where Chalie comes in. He's going to get you ready to become Hokage. In exactly one year I will be choosing a Hokage, and if I believe you have learned enough I will be choosing you."

I almost couldn't believe what I was hearing. It's a dream come true. And I all I have to do is let this kid teach me a few things? I'M GOING TO HOKAGE!!!! Nothing can reuin my high right now.

"Now Charlie will be staying with you for the next year, just to make it easier."

Except that. I was about ready to say something when Charlie spoke up.

"Um, I didn't know I was going to be staying with Naruto, ma'am." Got a bit of a high voice there don't ya dude?

"Yes. It makes it easier so you can teach until late if you have to and not worry about going home."

"That... and you didn't want to shell out the money for a hotel room."

Lady Tsunadie snapped her fingers. "You caught me. Just stay with Naruto. I'm sure it's not going to kill you."

"Alright, alright." He said with a sigh. As we got up to leave, Lady Tsunadie stopped Charlie.

"Once again I just wanted to say sorry for the mix up."

"It's fine. It actually happens a lot."

"See, I didn't know there was two boys in your family. I thought it was just Kobe and Charlotte."

"Yeah apperently not to many people know about me until they need a teacher."

I was so confused by that point, I actually scratched my head. On the walk home I asked Charlie about it.

"Oh, she had adressed the letter to my brother Kobe, thinking he was me."

"How do you know the letter WASN'T for him?"

"Because Kobe has a horrible illness. It makes him very confused. He's smart yes, but he's just not as smart as he used to be."

"Oh, I'm sorry."

"For what? It's nothing life threatening. Come on, i've got a few questions I want to ask you when we get to your place. Just so I know where to start."

"Works with me."

Really, I was starting to feel better about having this guy around. He didn't seem really annoying. Yet. When I opened the door to my apartment though... All hell broke loose.

Teach me to love ~Naruto~: Chapter 1Where stories live. Discover now