Chapter 40: Mind Games

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He just stared at me. And stared. And stared. And stared. He looked me directly in the eye for the longest time before finally standing. As Mr. White walked around the desk to me I noticed a slight trembbling feeling. I realized it was me. I was so afraid of this man I was trembbling! Oh hell, what is wrong with me? Why does this man intimidate me like this?

I've never really been afraid of any person before, not Sasuke or Kakashi, not even any of the many people I've faced over the years. Pein was freaky yes, but I was not afraid of him. And now this man was making me tremble? 'It's a ruse.' A small voice said in my head. I looked over at Charlie who had her hand folded in front of her in a concentrative manner. 'Just stay strong okay? Don't let him intimidate you.' Just the soft flow of Charlies voice in my mind help me to break through this mans strange genjutsu. It was all an illusion. He was making himself seem more imtimidating than he really was.

The longer we sat there, the stronger his jutsu became. I wanted so baddly to run from the room, but Charlie stopped me. 'Keep it together. If you can stand this for ten minutes, he'll consider you golden and leave you be.' Ten minutes? But it feels like I've been sitting here under his gaze for an hour now! Mr. Whites eyes narrowed and I found myself wanting to scream, run away, anything to get away from this man. He looked down at me with such ferocity, such anger,... it was almost cripling.

Charlie whistled a high tone. That one tone managed to catch her Father's attention, severing the hold his genjutsu had on me. "Are you done?!" She yelled angerly.

"I know you don't like it, but believe me, it is necessary."

"How is scaring the crap out of my boyfriend necessary?! Naruto has already gone though so much to prove he loves me, he doesn't need your torture jutsu as well!" I saw tears gather at the corner of her eyes.

"Charlie." I held her to me and petted her hair in a comforting way. Her dad watched in complete awe as she almost imeadiatly began to calm from my touch. "Charlie's neat, and Charlie's sweet, and Charlie she's a dandy. Everytime she goes to town she get's herself some candy." I lightly sang the little tune I had made up for her, feeling her smile against me.

"Hey Dad have you seen my-" Kobe walked in and his sentence fell short when he saw us. "Oh. Shit." Charlie pulled away from me and gave her brother an evil little smirk.

"Come here." She said sickly sweetly. "Come on, I'm not gonna hurt you."

"I highly doubt that!" He screamed as he ran from the room, Charlie close behind him.

"Um... Should we be worried?" I asked.

"Nah. They do this a lot. Though normally it's the other way around... Hm... Make sure she doesn't Kobe will ya?" I nodded and ran down the hall after them. For a sick kid, Kobe sure can run. Finally I found Charlie sitting on her brother, pulling on his leg in a very painful manner.



"SUCK IT!!" She pulled his leg even farther. His scream I'm almost certain could be heard through out the house and down the street.

"Charlie, let go of the leg." I said slowly.

"Not until this bitch learns his leason!"

"Uncle! Uncle for the love of Jesus Christ!" Kobe begged.

"Let go, he gets the picture!" She dropped his leg and leaned in to whisper menecingly, "You got lucky."

A maid walked around the corner, a concerned look on her face. "Mi'lady, the mistress and asked me to reminded you there is no violence in the house. If you wish to torture your brother please go ouside."

Charlie stood and crinckled her nose. "No need." She walked over to where I stood and took my hand, pulling me down the hall and finaly stopping in front of a large double door. "I'm sorry about my family. They can be..." She pulled a small key from her pocket. "Strange..." The doors opened and the room beyond... I very obviously knew was Charlies.

It was large with a four poster canopy bed that had gold colored sheets and mesh canopy netting. A vanity table rested in a cornner by a walk in closet and a dresser sat next to a nice clean desk. The walls were a nice champagin color that matched the curtains on the two large windows over looking a luxurious garden. To realy top the whole thing off there was a windowed door that lead out onto a balcony.

Charlie stepped in and went straight to one of the four floor to ceiling bookshelves. "I've got something here I want to show you." She said with a light blush, yet a large proud smile. I walked over, still looking around the room in complete awe at the beauty of the mesh drapes that hung from the crystal chandalier to the walls. When I finally got over to where Charlie stood, she moved aside some books and reached into a secret compartment. A small wooden box took up the space there and my anticipation grew as she very slowly. Opened. The. Box.

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