Chapter 22: Intelligence

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Neji and I sat at the table with determined looks. Charlie and Kobe stood at the end of the table with a sheet of paper in her hand. "Ready guys?" We didn't take our eyes off eachother as we nodded. "First question, on a quordinet plain, double possitives are only found on which quordient?"

I slapped the book first. "Quordinet 1."

"Correct. Question two, the central powers where made up of which counries?"

We went through the questions. Sometimes Neji beat me to the punch and got an answer in. But I was determined to beat him. I had too! This has gone to far and it can't go on any longer! Neji needs to back off on Charlie so she has more time to herself, to rest, to try and get better. The treatments are making her so sick and tired. But she just won't admit she needs to sit down for awhile. This is the only thing I can for her right now.

Neji finally pulled ahead of me on question nine. Crap! I really started to focus. Really started to push my limit and remembered everything Charlie had told me before this started.

(Flash back)

"It's a simple addition problem. It's been worded to sound more difficult than it really is. There will be a question like this tommorrow, Naruto." Charlie pulled the blanket around her more.


"Hm? It's just a side effect to the cheimo."

I moved closer to her and wrapped my arms around her thin frame. She leaned into me and sighed. "Are there going to be any spelling questions?"

"Just one. But don't worry. It's one you've had already. But theres a slight twist. You also have to deffine the word."

"Shit. It suck at deffinions." I hugged her closer to me. SHe was just so small and I wondered how I ever believed she was a boy.

"Naruto, you really don't have to do this for me. I can handle this on my own."

"No. I have to. I really do. You're my friend and that douchebag is hurting you. I can't let that go on. If I did I wouldn't be a very good friend, now would I?" I tickled her lightly.

"Naruto, you're the best friend I've ever had." She leaned back in my arms and played with a bit of my hair. CHarlie laughed when she got a curle to stay. "I can give you currles instead of spikes!"

"Never!" I tickled her hard and she burst into laughter. After she calmmed down, we got back to studying.


"Question ten. Spell and deffine Ambidextrous." I knew this! I slapped my hand down on the book.

"A-M-B-I-D-E-X-T-R-O-U-S. The ability to use your hands equally."

"Correct. you guys are tied so we will have a tie breaker." She pulled a small slip of paper out of her pocket. "This is a question that you will really have to think about for a second. The opposite color from white is what?"

Huh? Colors don't have opposites do they? This has to be a trick question.I staired down at the white plate in front of me thinking about just giving a random color. Neji slapped his hand down on the book.


"No. Try again." I thought for a minute longer and finally looked away from the plate. My vision was obscured by the left over color print of the plate though and ... and I had the answer! Blue! If you stare at something white for a long time time and then look away the item looks blue! Neji seemed to have figured it out too. I slapped my hand down at the smae time her did, but saddly, he beat me to it.


"Correct." Charlie said unhappily. "Neji won the intellegence round." Neji sat there with a smug look on his face. Just you wait destiny boy. I'll beat that smirk right off you're face.

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