Chapter 45: Day 1

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The force of the kunai hitting my chest was enough to push me back and to the ground. Every part of me was panicing, but yet all I could do was look blankly up at the sky. Hirari stood above me, looking down in pure horror, saying, screaming something that I couldn't seem to hear. She dropped down and started to pull me away from the middle of the clearing and leaned me against a tree.

All I could think about was the hit. I had always heard about a heart breaking, but I never knew that you could hear it shatter. My chest hurt, it hurt bad, and I wondered if I would survive. If I would be able to pull through and see Charlie... I forgot to tell her before I left... I just realized I forgot to tell her I loved her. I forgot to tell her just how much she means to me.

I forgot to tell her another thing too... But now I might not have the chance.

Hirari pulled the kunai from my chest and looked at confused before opening my shirt. Her eyes went wide, and for a short moment, she looked so much like my Charlie it was rediculous. Slowly I began to hear again and began to notice that It didn't feel like I had been cut. In fact it really only felt like someone had punched me, and hard.

"Naruto, it's okay." Hirari said with a smile. "It didn't hit you."

I wondered why. It deffinatly had some force to it and my chest feels like a used punching bag... so what did it hit? And then it hit me. My hands fumbled to take the necklace Charlie had given me off, so I could examine it. The crystal was shattered in the middle, the kanji no longer readable. It had saved my life... the crystal was to thick and strong for the kunai to go through...

I held the broken necklace to me and sighed. Hirari sat against the tree next to me and pulled a piece of bread from her bag, tearing it in two. "It stopped the kunai... looks like you have luck to thank for your life right now."

"No... I have a girl to thank for it..."

"A girl huh?" She tore into her bread. "She that special someone waiting for you?"

"Yeah. Her name is Charlotte, but everyone just calls her Charlie. The necklace was a gift from her and it said eternity, because we wanted to be together for an eternity." It was quiet for a minute as she took that in. She soon pulled out her wallet and a picture of a cute little girl no older than three.

"Thats my daughter Isa. Her Dad died on a mission shortly after she was born, and ever since we've had a hard time getting by. Thats why I'm doing this. I wanna make something better for us, so she can live a better life then what she could if thing continued like they are." Hirari put the picture away and sighed. "So tell me more about this girl of yours. She pretty?"

I gave her a picture of her and I that had been taken shortly before her party in Iwa and told her all about the stupid adventures we had been through. Some of them made her laugh and others I thought she going to cry. But she sat there and listened to everything. And when I was done and looked at me straight, and plainly said, "You two are a match meant to be."

"What do you mean?"

"People trying to tear you apart, a horrible sickness aflickting her but she pulled through perfectly fine, boy someone up there is watching over you guys and giving you the strength to stay together." I thought that over, having never actually thought about it like that. Charlie is everything to me and I tried everything to keep her with me and succeeded. And it was always amazing to me that I was able to do it all.

Maybe Hirari was right. Someone up there loves us. It began to get late and we made a small camp under the protection of the tree and made a look out scedual for the nights ahead. tomorrow we try to find the other contestants and ask them to join with us. With any luck, we can get one more and breeze to the third day.

Teach me to love ~Naruto~: Chapter 1Where stories live. Discover now