Chapter 38: Iwagakure

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Hey minna, it's Bay. I just wanted to say really fast thank you VampPrin101 and SabakuNoYuki for your comments, they have really kept me going in this story. You guys make me laugh! And I will dedicate the last two chapters of this to you guys. Arigato-gozaimasu and enjoy!

"Are you serious? You are talking about the Chigami I know, right?" Charlie asked increadiously.

"Duh." Usura answered.

"Wow.... it's just... I really just don't even believe you. Chigami would never ever look a girl in the eye and say that. It's just not natural."

"Oh but he said it. I was standing right there."

"But he's a pompuse bastard that goes from girl to girl, and you're telling me he asked Masagani to MARRY him?"

"Yep. And she said yes."

Charlie just shook her head like he had told her the world was flat. In a way though, I could deffinatly see her problem in believeing the tale. We were walking throught the woods, on our way to Iwa. I've got to say the fresh air and secludedness was a great change from town. Being middle October, the leaves had started to change to their beautiful combinations of Yellow, red, and orange. It reminded me of day Sasuke left. It had been August then, and the leaves where changing then too.

It made me sad sometimes to think about him. But I knew deep in my heart of hearts that one day I would find him, and not only beat the crap out of him for leaving like he did, but also hug him, and never want to let go, afraid that if I did he would just disappear again. Sasuke is my best friend, and I made a promise to Sakura. Ture we have been looking for him for... damn near four years now, but he's out there somewhere.

I had once told Charlie of my missing best friend and almost brought her to tears. I hadn't meant to! I was just telling her about how baddly I wanted him back. Sure, it most likely seemed to everyone around us that we couldn't stand each other... but the truth is we couldn't stand to be away from the other. He almost killed me that day at the guardians gate, to gain the more powerful version of his sharingan. What did he call it? The Mango sharingan? Something like that. But it's the fact that Sasuke didn't kill me that makes me believe theres still a part of the old him left in that body.

"-uto.... aruto..... NARUTO!" Charlie's yell snapped me out of my thoughts. "Are you okay?" She asked worriedly. I nodded and smiled, but she took my hand in hers and squeezed it. This is no time to be thinking about Sasuke! I'm about to enter my girlfriends home village with her, and I have to be her moral support! I can't be daydreaming like this! *Look of determination!*

"Iwa is just five more minutes away. If you look closly you can see the gates behind those rocks." Usura said. I looked, and sure enough, there were the gates.

"I am not looking forward to the talk i'm sure Mama has planned for me." Charlie sighed.

"You'll do fine. Naruto will be with you the whole time." He smiled at me.

"Right! So no need to worry Charlie!" She smiled up at me and leaned her head against my arm. As the gates got closer I began to wonder what the village would be like. Would it be like Konoha or an entierly different set? I pondered this for the rest of the walk, and then got my answer the minute we walked in.

Iwa was big, and beautifully in sync with the rocks and mountains that decorated it, or were just a plain part of it. I looked around and saw tones of happy people, families, walking around for shopping or just looking like they were enjoying the day. It so reminded me of Konoha... but some how this place made me feel more relaxed. Usura laughed at my expression when I saw a raman stand not to far away.

"Looks like he's got the muncies."

Charlie looked over and shook her head. "Naw, he's always like this." She pulled out a cup of inta-raman and waved it in front of my face. "Come on Naruto, get the raman. Oh come on."

"Arf, arf." I said sarcasticly before going after the cup. Charlie ran down the street, Usura following her and I of course followed.  It was like a very intence game of tag, only no one was it, and the prize was food. Half way down the road, Charlie ran into some one. It was pure and total accident, but the way he glared down at her... it reminded me of that one time with Konohamaru and the sand dude...

"Watch where you're going brat." He spat.

"I'm sorry." She said earnestly. He just scoffed and walked away. I helpped her up and stuck my tounge out at the man before looking her over to make sure she wasn't hurt.

"Are you sure you're okay?"

"Yes, Naruto, i'm fine."

"God, what was that dudes problem?"

"Um... welll... I did run into him."

"But he could have been nicer about that. Jeeze." Charlie shook her head at me and kissed my cheek.

"Calm down honey." I took a deep breath and smiled at her. "Good. Now, lets go find Daddy."

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