Chapter 6: Swimming Lessons

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"So wait. Your telling me that there was just this one guy who said the jewish people were bad and everyone started treating them wrong and putting them in these camps?"

"Yep. And they would take the weak and old ones in the camp and put them in gas chambers. They would put kids in too."

"Thats horrible! Why didn't anyone stop them?"

"Well the german people believed what Hitlar was doing was right. And the Americans didn't kow what was going on until sometime later. Finally things started going wrong in the war for the German people, Hitlar killed himself, and the Jews were set free."

Charlie and I were just walking to the beach from my training session. He decided to teach me a little history before we got there. He made it sound so interesting. I remember we had to learn this stuff in the academy, but it was always so borin, I fell asleep half the time. And then cheated on the test. Hehe. Btu when Charlie explains it, I want to hear it.

"So when the war ended-" As we walked I just kept listening like this was the most intersting story I had ever heard, cause, well, it was.

When we got to the beach I took off my shirt and stretched. This is the greatest thing about summer right here. Lots of sun and heat. Charlie was sitting in the sand with his knees pulled up to his chest. He was looking out to the water with a thin pink line running across his face.

"Whats up with you dude?"

"Like I said yesterday. I can't swim." He looked up at me and the line got bigger and darker.

"Well I'm gonna teach you! Come on!" I ran right for the water. It felt good. Not cold but not hot. It was juuust right. Charlie was still on the beach just watching me. I walk up to him and grabbed his hand, pulling him to the water. He seemed to be doing ok... until the bottome of his T-shirt started getting wet.

"I don't know Naruto."

"Aw, come on." I pulled on his hand gently and smiled. "Just trust me." His eyes got soft and he nodded.

First I showed him how to move his arms in the water. He didn't really seem to grasp the concept.

"No, here like this." I got behind him and grabbed his arms, moving them like he was sopposed to. He got it after that. But there was just something I noticed. His face was getting really red. But I decided not to mention it.

"Okay, now in deeper part you have to kick your legs while moving your arms. Keep it steady though, get a rhythem going." We went out a little bit farther until the bottom was way down there and hard stay on. Charlie moved his arms and stayed a float.

"Hey. I'm swimming! Look Naruto, i'm swimming!"

"Thats great! Keep it up!" I felt a change in current below. Crap. "Hey, Charlie, be careful. Theres an undertow here."

He kept swimming around, really enjoying himself. But then I saw him go under. FOr a minute, I thought he was just messin around. But then his voic sounded from way out in the water.

"Naruto! Help!"

"Shit!" I dived right in and swam out to get him. The current was stronge and pushing me to Charlie. It's going to be hard to get him back to shore.

"Here, hold on tight." Charlie grabbed hold of my shoulders. There was a rumble and the water pulled back. Well this is fortunate. The wave came right up to us and pushhed us closer to the shore, but it seemed to come so fast. And I couldn't stop from completly crashing, with Charlie under me.

I Lifted myself up and looked down at Charlie. "Hey are you-huh?" I looked just a little lower. "Charlie, your... a..."

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