Chapter 46: Day 2

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The second day was a lot like the first at the beginning. The attacks were ruthless and once again, another player was taken out. I couldn't remember how many were left now, but Hirari said is she was right there were four left. We asked the final two if they wanted to team up with us, but both declined and went on their ways. It's like they think they're Sasuke or something, I swear.

"So if we can just avoide the contact points we should be good." Hirari said, looking over the map we had gotten from a supply stack. "They gather at the river here, and at the grass lands here. There should be plunty of water pockets in the morning from the dew, so we won't have to worry about getting to the river for water. But what about food? With out access to the grass lands, we can't hunt very well..."

I looked around at the trees and pointed to one of them. "Like mango's?" She looked up as well and smiled. Who needs hunting ground? We have fricken fruit trees yo. We sat and ate, counting out how many weapons we had left. Sad state of affairs when you're left with ten kunai, five shurikin, and a half a bag of explosives. Hirari wasn't much better off. She was left with twelve kunai, two shurikin, and a scyth. Scyth is pretty cool though.

The walk around the grass lands was hot and hard, tretcherous as well, but working together we managed to make it around the grass and find  the camp. We were close enough that we could just barely slip into the camp without being seen. Hirari pressed herself against a tree and looked around. There was a weapons stash not far from us, and we deffinatly needed more.

She gave me the all clear sign and I pushed myself against the ground and slid closer to the stash, having to hold my breath and conform myself to the back of the pile when two ninja walked over, talking and gossiping.

"Really? I heard she was like this super genius from Iwa who has a super genius brother or something like that."

"Well, what ever she is, that girl is smokin! I'm totally going to ask her out when this job is done."

"Good luck with that. The girl has a boyfriend."

"What?! Oh come one man! Tell me you're joking."

"Nope. They've been together for a decent amount of time, pretty much live together." I listened to this converstation, increadibly interested. It was like they were talking about my Charlie. I listened, knowing I might as well since they were sitting by the pile now with coffee in hand. "Actually, her boyfriend is in the competition."

"Seriously? Which one is he?"

"Naruto Uzumaki." My breathing hitched, and I had to bite my lip to keep from making a sound. They were talking about my Charlie!

"Are you kidding me...? That amazingly sexy, blue haired goddess is dating a goof ball like Naruto? Screw it, I'll still ask her out. Show her what a true man looks like, hehe." Why you son of a-!

"I wouldn't be so quick man. Word is, just before she came here she met Sasuke Uchiha. He needed information that she gladdly gave him, for the right price of course. That kid was smart as hell, sold him information on ninja tactics for medicine for her brother. Heart warming, but still, damn."

"What does any of that have to do with me asking her out?"

"Apperantly, Sasuke tried to put the moves on Charlie, but she turnned him down flat. Face it man, if she turnned down Sasuke Uchiha, you don't have a chance in hell."

"Fuck you dude." He punched him jokingly and they both laughed. "So, how do you know all this stuff anyway?"

"My cousins an information ninja on the Uchiha case and found him while on stats in Iwa. Saw the whole thing go down."

"Damn, How's he doin?" He asked as they tossed their cups away and walked back to their positions. As soon as they were gone, I fell from my hiding spot and grrr-ed in their general direction. "Why you little-!"

Hirari pu her foot on my head and yelled. "Hey, this is no time for petty fights, Naruto. Get some weapons and get the fuck out." I grumbled, but did as she said and ran out from the camp with her, still slightly irked by what that guy said, but knowing that once this was all over, Charlie wold be back in my arms once more. Then whos a man, bitch!

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