Wait, what?

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Hey everyone! This is my first time writing a fanficiton, so bear with me and feel free to comment and ideas or corrections! Now, LET THE FLUFF COMMENCE!

"Wait, WHAT?" You said, staring at both of your parents across the dining room table. "You heard us correctly, (Y/N), we have to move to France because of our jobs. Plus, we have family there that can help us." Your mother said, reaching across the small table to clasp your hand.

Let's go back a bit, just to understand what's going on. Your name is (Y/N) (L/N) and you live in the United States. You're a freshman at your school and enjoy any type of art. People have known you for your weird sense of humor, cool drawings, and always daydreaming. You're the daughter of two successful journalists at TIME Magazine which has its perks. You just got back from school when your parents called you into the kitchen to have a talk. Which leads us to now...

"What do you mean move to France? I barely know any French, which is their main LANGUAGE! Plus, isn't there those weird attacks going on over there? I don't wanna be sucked up into that, but thanks for offering!" You huffed, crossing your arms and glaring across the table.

"Sweetie, listen, we don't like it either, but the company is offering us big bucks to do this. Plus, you get to go to France! Doesn't that sound amazing? Sure it's a new environment and odd-" "And the villain attacks that happen on a weekly basis" you put in, but your father kept talking "But you get to see the world! Plus, it's very rich in art, you could go to the Louvre, and so many other places!" Your father said with a glint in his eye. The look on his face was contradicting his earlier statement of not wanting to go.

You had to admit, he made a pretty good point about the whole rich in history with art thing. After about thirty seconds of silence, you sighed and leaned on the table. "When are we going?" You asked, looking up at your parents with a neutral expression. After realizing that you were okay with moving, they hopped up from their seats, went around the table, and squished you with the biggest hug you've had in a while. " OH YAY! (Y/N), WE GO IN A WEEK, ARENT YOU EXCITED?!?!" They then started jumping up and down. "Can't... Breathe...." You choked out, trying to get free from their vice grip.

They set you down and looked at you with loving eyes. "Listen, we now this is going to be a big change for you, so you should start getting ready. Leave the packing to us, you need to focus on learning some French, okay?" Your mom said, and patted your head. "*sigh* Don't even mention that. What am I going to use? I know there's apps that help, but I don't think those will help much..." You stated, looking at your parents for help. "Here, we bought you this Rosetta Stone kit. It'll help you with the basics before we move. Duolingo works too. Now, get a start on it!" Your dad said, patting your shoulder.

With a nod, you go upstairs into your room and prepare for your new life.

~A week later~

You looked around your now empty house, recalling fond memories of your past. With one last look, you step outside to the rental car. "Ready to go, (Y/N)?" Your mom calls to you, packing the last of the luggage into the car. "Yeah. Just can't believe this is happening." You said with a sigh. Trust me, you were happy to go, but that doesn't mean you were going to miss your town, school, and all of your friends. As if knowing what you were thinking, your mom gives you a hug and says "You can always call your friends, and before you know it, you'll love the new place we're going to." Your mom lets you go and walks to the car. With one last look at your house, you follow her.

~On the plane~

You take a seat after putting your carry on in the overhead compartment, and take out your sketchbook. Pretty soon, you hear the flight attendants announce their whole safety speech and you buckle in. You look outside the window, and see yourself leaving the ground, going higher and higher into the sky until the ground is nothing more than a speck.

Goodbye United States, hello France.

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