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The ride to Nathanael's house was only slightly awkward, thank god. There was some silence but you would always fill it by asking him questions, or your parents asking you what happened. "So, Nathan, is it alright if I call you that?" you asked looking over to him. He nodded slightly before saying "Yeah, all of my other friends call me that, so it's fine." looking over to you through his bangs. you could have sworn you heard your heart stop at the image before you. Coughing slightly, you continued with your question. "Anyway, Nathan, has anything been going on with you?" You mentally patted yourself on the back for not stuttering. "Well, today is my birthday..." he mumbled, but you heard him clearly. "WHAT!? IT'S YOUR BIRTHDAY!? WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME EARLIER! MOM IS ANY PLACE OPEN RIGHT NOW WHERE WE COULD GET ICE CREAM FOR NATHAN?" "(y/n) stop shouting, and why would we get ice cream for your friend?" "BECAUSE IT'S HIS BIRTHDAY!" Your parents looked back at him with surprised looks and then to you. "WHY DIDN'T YOU SAY SO BEFORE!?" with that, your dad put in a new location on the GPS and you started jumping up and down in your seat. Nathan looked at you with a confused yet shocked look on his face. "I'm sorry, what's going on?" he asked cutely. HANG ON CUTELY?

"Well, since it's your birthday, we're going to get you ice cream!" You ended with jazz hands. He looked surprised to say the least. "(Y/N)! YOU DON'T HAVE TO DO THIS!" "Too late, already told my parents, no stopping them now." you stared at your nails trying to keep the smile off your face. After realizing that there was no point in arguing, Nathan sighed and leaned back in his seat. Why were you being so nice to him? Did something happen to him during the time he can't remember anything? While he was asking himself these questions, you looked over and could practically feel the worry radiating off of him. Before you could ask what was wrong, your parents suddenly stopped the car. "HERE WE ARE!" your dad shouted, before unbuckling his seat belt and running into the 24 hour ice cream parlor. Your mother sighed while shaking her head, and got out to follow your dad into the parlor. You looked at Nathan, shrugged, and said "what can you do?" 

"I WANT THE CHOCOLATE! NOO, THE BIRTHDAY CAKE! GASP, THEY HAVE OREO FLAVORED?!" You were like a kid choosing which toy they wanted at the toy store, running back and forth in front of the freezer. In the end, you decided on (F/F) where as Nathan got strawberry. You looked at your parents who were paying for the ice cream, before leaning in towards the cashier. "Hey, Is there anything you could do for that guy? it's his birthday. Like use a... oh whats that word? the thing that lights up?" you said, trying to look for the word candle. Thankfully, the cashier understood what you ment and took out a stripped candle from the counter. You took it and stuck in Nathan's cone. "Now, My dear friend, English or French?" He looked at you oddly, before saying "English?..." "Got it! Happy birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday dear Nathan... HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU BOOP!" You ended with a tap on his nose, hence the boop. He went bright red, which seemed to be his go to reaction for anything and everything.

After Eating ice cream, You went back into the car and took Nathan home. "W-well, thanks for giving me a ride home..." he said, looking off to the side. In all honesty, he didn't want this night to be over. "Yeah, it was fun. OH! Do you go to Collège Françoise Dupont?" you asked with a glimmer of hope in your eyes. "Yes, I do. Do you go there also?" he asked with a smile on his face, already knowing the answer. "Yep! I start going on Monday. I'll see you then!" you parted ways with a light wave. You got back into the car and he went up to his front door. Before he could open it, he heard a shout from your direction. He turned around, only to see half of your torso out the car window. "HAPPY BIRTHDAY NATHAN!" you shouted, before climbing back in but leaving your arm out to wave. He waved back and watched the car retreating into the distance. 'School just got a lot more fun.'


"(Y/n), get up! It's time for school!" Your mother shouted down the hallway which led to your room. You groaned and got up, stumbling towards the bathroom. after brushing your teeth and all that jazz, you got dressed. It was simple, but nice enough to make a good first impression. After walking into the kitchen, you saw your Mom and Dad, also getting ready to go. You quickly grabbed an apple and chocolate milk bottle out of the fridge, before running out of the door. You shared a quick parting goodbye with your parents before running down the stair, not wanting to wait for the elevator. After waving to the landlady, you strode quickly yet calmly to school. Pretty soon, a large structure which you could only presume was the school came into sight. Picking up the pace a little, you soon reached the front of the school. you stood for a second in awe before checking the time. 'Ten minutes to spare, nice.' you walked towards the steps of the school and decided to have your makeshift breakfast. Before you could take a sip of your Chocolate Milk, however, you heard a loud, piercing shriek. 

"ADRIKINS!!" You heard the voice say, and looked up to see a blonde girl sticking herself all over, oh hey its Adrien! You chugged your milk in record time before trotting over to Adrien, who was currently trying to unstick the girl from her side. "Hey!" you spoke towards him, which caused him to get your attention. "Oh, (Y/n)! It's nice to see you! what a coincidence that we would go to the same school, right?" he spoke, but you couldn't help but feel someone watching you. you turned your eyesight to the girl how was practically hanging off of Adrien. "Adrikins, Who is this?" she asked, looking you up and down, clearly judging you. Even in France, there has to be Valley girls. "My name is (Y/n), It's nice to meet you." you tried to say with as much happiness as you could muster. "Were you speaking English earlier? what are you, English?" she asked with a snobby tone. slowly your happiness faded. "No, I'm American. I moved recently." you said, smile no longer on your face. "Really? I bet you're faking it for attention!" she spoke, having a pointed stare on her face. this was the last straw. "Oh, so you're calling me the attention whore when your over here clinging to his side like a sloth trying to reach a leaf? Okay sweetie." You ground out through clenched teeth, giving her a stare saying 'Don't fuck with me'. she made a confused face, clearly not understanding what you had said. You sighed, and looked to Adrien, who was watching the whole interaction with an interested look on his face. "It was nice to see you, Adrien." you spoke before turning towards the steps. A distinct red color popped out to you, and you soon recognized who it was. "Nathan!"

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