I guess the cat's... OUT OF THE BAG

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"W-Who is this..."Adrien" you speak of, My sweet flower?" Chat asks with a closed eye smile, but he was sweating so much that you could completely tell that it was Adrien. "I'm talking about you, you silly goose. I guess the cat's out of the bag." You grinned idiotically where as Adrien was trying to figure out how you knew. As if reading his mind, you patted his shoulder and said "Sorry if you wanted to keep your identity a secret, but I've seen/read WAAAAAAY too many superhero things to know when someone has a secret identity. seriously, all you're doing is wearing a mask and floofing up your hair! But I guess I can keep this a secret." Adrien looked at you astonished, surprised that you were willing to keep his secret. But then again, he didn't know you that well, and only met you once at the airport. "T-Thank you (Y/n), you don't know how much this means to me. I'm in your debt. Is there anything you need me to do? because I'll do it!" He said, his ears twitching and his belt somehow moving like a tail behind him. 

"Well, you could give me your soul." you said with the straightest face possible. "I'm sorry, what did you say?" Adrien asked, tilting his head slightly. You laughed a little and patted his head. "Nothing, don't worry. I will let you know when I am ready to get that favor." you said with a bright smile, and began walking home. He watched your figure retreat into the night, and then closed his eyes. He was shaken out of the calming atmosphere by his staff ringing and vibrating on his hip. he detached his staff from his belt and brought it up to his ear.

You texted your mom and dad saying that you were on your way back and put the phone in your pocket. You walked pass a fancy looking hotel when all of the sudden you heard a scream. 'Here we go...' you thought with a sigh, debating whether or not to stay or go home. You weren't given a choice, however, because you saw Adrien and a girl in a polka-dotted body suit, resembling a ladybug pattern. 'Ooooh, so that's ladybug... those pigtails seem familiar...' you thought for a moment, but just shook your head. "Nah, it couldn't be..." you said to yourself, mind too jumbled to think about anything else except for the fact that you were in fight or flight mode. "HEY, BE CAREFUL UP THERE!" You called out, gaining their attention. "(Y/n), we could say the same thing to you! Go home!" Chat noir  shouted down, which caused the Evillustrator to also look down. He stared at you for a minute, smirked, and flew down to you. 

After landing in front of you, he drew something on his tablet which soon popped into existence. That thing happened to be a rose. 'What the fuck...' you thought to yourself, looking from the rose to the guy in front of you and back to the rose. "Hello, (Y/n) was it? I'm sorry for how rude I was earlier, but I would like to apologize. Do you forgive me?" After staring at him with an unsure look on your face, you took the rose, which then proceeded to splash you in the face with water, like one of those flowers clowns wear. You blinked once, twice, three times before reality set in. The Evillustrator was rolling on the floor laughing. You looked up to see Ladybug covering her mouth with her hands and Chat noir doing the same, but trying not to laugh. You slowly brought your eyes down to the Boy rolling on the ground, and slowly brought up a fist, which you then used to hit said boy. "Ouch! What's that for?" He yelped out in pain. "YOU DOUCHEBAG! I THOUGHT YOU WERE BEING NICE TO ME AND APOLOGIZING BUT NOOOO, YOU JUST HAD TO BE A CHILD AND GET ME SOAKING WET! He he... WAIT NO I'M STILL ANGRY AT YOU!" You yelled at him, not realizing you switched to English. You groaned and tugged on your wet shirt, which snapped back onto your body. 

"WAIT! Is my phone OK?!" You scrambled for your phone in your pocket, which was okay. You sighed in relief, and texted your parents to come get you with a change of clothes. What? It was cold out and you didn't want to walk 2 blocks home soaking wet. You sat down in front of the Hotel doors, and sat down wrapping your arms around your legs. The Evillustrator stared at you in shock, and somehow felt hurt that he caused you to feel that way. While he was distracted, Ladybug swooped down and took his stylus and snapped it in half, which made a dark purple butterfly fly out. After capturing the butterfly and releasing it,  she threw a polka-dotted bouncy ball into the air, which caused A multitude of shimmering lights to fly over Paris. You watched in awe, enjoying the calming lights and sighed in relief.

Your parents showed up in their car and ran out to you. They were worried something bad had happened, but Ladybug reassured them and told them what happened. She swung away with a yoyo, and Chat Noir went the opposite way. You saw the now normal boy standing up and looking around confused. You fought with yourself a bit, before sighing and going up to the boy. "Hello, are you okay?" you asked, which startled the boy. "O-Oh! Yes, I am. Thank you for asking. Why are your clothes wet?" He asked in a small, timid voice. You smiled at him. He was completely different from what he was like before. "That's a story for another time. My name is (Y/n) by the way." You said, holding out your hand. He blushed bright red and took it, gently shaking it.

 "Nathanael. My name is Nathanael." He spoke with a small smile on his face. "Well, Nathanael, it's nice to meet you! do you need a ride?" you asked, pointing to your parents, how waved at the redheaded boy. "P-please." He shyly said, to which you smiled. "Hey Mom! Dad! Can we give my new friend a ride home?" you asked, to which they said yes. "They said it's okay. Come on Nathanael!" You grasped his hand and ran towards your parents. He smiled at you and blushed, "Okay!"

JESUS H CHRIST THAT TOOK SO LONG! Thanks for sticking with me and my crazy, messed up schedule! See you next time! Stay *Miraculous*!

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