Joys and Concerns

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I updated the cover, I'm so proud of it! Anyway, Here's the next elusive chapter for Y'all.

Waking up on Monday, I felt myself grin slowly. Flashing back to Saturday, I remember my (dare I say...) Date with Nathan. Though there were a few bumps, I would say it was pretty successful. Giggling deep in the back of my throat, I stretch out starting with the top of my spine. Smacking my lips, I turn to stare out of my window. 

when I got home, I immediately called (Y/f/n) to tell her all of the details. She would be either totally silent, listening to every word, or screaming. "I can't believe you got a date! If I had known sooner that all you needed to do to get a date was to move to Europe, I would have done that age's ago!" She yelled after I had told her everything. We also talked about the Puppeteer, a more serious mood coming on. "If that guy who's doing this uses children for this sick setup, I hope the son of a bitch gets caught soon." I nodded in agreement. Shaking my head out of my thoughts, I turned to my armoire to get my outfit together.

A beautiful, slightly cloudy day with a gentle breeze had my mood in a high place, even though it was only 8 in the morning. Walking with a skip in my step, I approached the school. Sitting on the banister connected to the staircase was the one and only Nathan.He was sitting by himself, sketching. All of the sudden, it felt like a caramel was stuck in my throat. I couldn't talk, But I still smiled and sent a shaky wave his way. His cheeks flushed slightly pink and he averted his eyes for a second to put his sketchbook in his bag, but looked back at me and gave his own smile and wave. Smiling slightly larger, I walked over. 

"Hey, Nathan. Comment va-ca? I mean- How's it going." I stuttered. Aw great,  of course when I want to appear my best, I fumble a phrase most French 1 students can say in their sleep. Thankfully, Nathan doesn't make fun of me for it, just gives a small chuckle. "I'm good. That physics homework threw me for a loop this weekend. So did that Possession by a kid thing, but I think the physics was much more difficult to work with." He said, giving me a nudge as I sat down next to me. I laugh, (Maybe too much?) and give him his own nudge. " Yeah, I guess physics would be harder since you actually have to be conscious for it. With being possessed by a child, You don't have to work at all!" He gives his own laugh, looking down at his hands.

 It's silent, but not the uncomfortable kind. At least, it isn't for me. Nathan keeps fidgeting, looking antsy. Was I sitting too close? I'm about to scoot away before he looks back up at me. "Hey, so, I was thinking... During lunch, would you possibly want to get something with me? We could stop by the Dupain-Cheng's  bakery and get something there if you want..." He says, not mumbling but still slightly quiet. Nodding, I replied. "Of course, that place is really good. Actually, I think that is where we first met. Well, where I first met you, that is. You probably don't remember it." I scratch the back of my neck, laughing awkwardly and looking at the side walk.

 Oh, a tiny plant was growing through the cracks! I believe in you tiny plant! 

"I thought the first time I met you was after I went... You know... evil?" He looked at me with his head tilted. "Oh, no, when you were trying to get to Marinette, you came to the bakery when I was getting stuff for my family. You came in all 'blah blah blah Marinette would you go on a date with me yadda yadda, and I started screaming because it was my first time seeing an Akuma. I think you were annoyed with me because I kept ruining your attempts at getting together with Marinette. You left, and a couple hours later I was walking down the side walk and there you were again!" I catch a break to see Nathan's reaction, which was exactly what I was expecting and hoping for. He was slowly but surely going red, even his ears! I could tell because they were the only thing I could see, the rest of his face was in his hands. He was groaning to himself, slowly sinking off the banister onto the ground.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 26, 2017 ⏰

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