Good first impressions

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Hi everyone! I hope you're liking my fast updates! Hahahahahah juST KIDDING HOLY FUCK BATMAN I HAVE NOT UPDATED THIS IN SO LONG JEEEEEEEEZ
Okay, so lemme recap stuff that has happened since... April. Shit. um, I got really into the Percy Jackson fandom, so that added a huge speed bump for me, also I worked on and completed a jack frost cosplay in 6 days. Be proud. My children I am so sorry for the long ass wait, but I need your help to keep this story going! Comment ideas, even if it's on previous chapters I promise i will see them! My imagination only goes so far, as it is limited to memorizing the quadratic formula {the opposite of B plus or minus the square root of B^2 - 4(a)(b) divided by 2(a)} and wondering how many days it is until Halloween. NOW, FOR WHAT YOU HAVE BEEN WAITING FOR, ENJOY THE NEXT CHAPTER OF THE STORY!

"Mari! You know (Y/n)?" Alya asked, slowly coming down from her fangirl high. "Oh, yeah! She lives nearby, and she helped me out with the Evilillustrator!" Mari said, sneaking small and happy glances my way, and also to Adrien. Weird. "Don't think I didn't see that stunt you pulled Mari! You could have seriously gotten hurt!" Alya scolded, pointing an accusing pointer finger at mari. She chuckled nervously and looked to me with help me written all across her face. "You're on your own girl." I said shrugging, turning to Nath. He was blushing a little, sneaking small glances at Mari. 'That's right, he liked-likes?- her.' I stared at him until he noticed he was staring at her and shook himself out of it. "A-about that, Mari..." He started speaking, looking like a kicked puppy. Honestly the expression was down right adorable. "I...I wanted to apologize for what I did the other day. I wasn't in my right mind, and I never would have done those things if I wasn't under any sort of influences. Also, I was lying when I said you were like Chloe, I-" "Of course she isn't like me! I am a princess, she's just some lowly peasant!" Chloe sneered, walking into the classroom with Sabrina. Seriously, does that girl ever leave her side?

"Oh god damn it, not this bitch." I muttered under my breath. "I'm sorry? I don't speak Pig so could you maybe speak that in French?" Chloe said with a smug smile that screamed narcissism. "Oh, I am terribly sorry Chloe! Allow me to translate that real quick!" I said with fake sweetness and pulled out my phone. I had a website filled with french insults that you were dying to use on someone, and the perfect opportunity has shown itself. "AHEM! Ferme la bouche, et brûle en enfer, Chloe." (Shut your mouth, and burn in hell, chloe.) I spoke. "Were you able to understand that, Chloe?" I had lost all sweetness from my voice, and regarded her with a cold expression. "HOW DARE YOU SAY THAT TO ME?!" In that moment, a lady in her late 20's entered the classroom. "Alright class, let's sit down!" everyone sat at their seats, except me and Chloe. "Chloe? Why aren't you sitting down?" the lady who I presumed to be the teacher said. "Madame Bustier, she just told me to burn in hell!" Chloe shouted in that annoying voice, pointing a perfectly manicured nail at me. I looked at her with an expression of confusion. "Chloe, What are you talking about? Did I mix my words up again? I'm sorry if I said anything bad!" I said with fake sorrow, making sure to lay on my american accent. "Oh, you must be the transfer student! It's okay dear, everyone always makes mistakes when they start speaking a new language. Chloe, go sit down and don't be so rude to Mademoiselle (L/n)! She is just starting to speak french!" Madame B. scolded chloe, who looked red in the face. Mumbling, she stomped towards her seat and sat down with a large thump. I just smiled and stood in front of the Madame. "Sorry about that, Mademoiselle (L/n), now, you will be sitting with..." She trailed off as she looked around the class. The only available spot was next to Nath! Lucky day for me! "Nathanael. He is the boy with red hair." she pointed up to him. I nodded and walked up the steps to Nath, sidestepping when Chloe stuck her foot out. I sat next to him with a huff, Dreading the next few months I have to spend with chloe. I looked over at Nath and saw him drawing. From the looks of it since it wasn't finished yet, it was a girl with (H/L) hair. "That looks really cool!" I stage whispered to him, and he looked over to me not noticing how close I was leaning in. He went a little red at the compliment, and scratched his neck, murmuring a thank you.

English was very easy, but it was kind of difficult listening to such bad english. I was a grammar nerd, so I was slowly dying every time I heard someone drop certain letters of the word they were speaking or not enunciating correctly. Madame Bustier noticed this and asked me to answer a question "en anglais". "Can you please speak out loud Act 5 scene 3 page 8 of 'Romeo and Juliet' at Juliet's part? Sorry, but I would like to give the class an example of how to properly pronounce the words since they seem to be having trouble." The class was reading 'Romeo and Juliet", and it was at the part where Juliet wakes up to find out that Romeo is dead. It was the 'no fear shakespeare' version due to them not being able to even understand modern english, let alone olden english. "Would you like me to act it out?" I asked, rising from my chair. "Yes, if you can." Madame Bustier said with a smile and a nod. I love acting, I was in the theater group at my old school and was in all the plays. This should be a piece of cake. I closed my eyes for 2 seconds before opening them with true grief tugging my face.

"What's this here? It's a cup, closed in my true love's hand? Poison, I see, has been the cause of his death. How awful! He drank it all, and didn't leave any to help me afterward. I will kiss your lips. Perhaps there's still some poison on them, to make me die with a medicinal kiss." My voice was trembling, unshed tears in my eyes as I read out the next few lines. "Your lips are warm." someone else in the classroom had the part of the Chief Watchman, and they almost didn't say their line but they quickly read it after someone elbowed their ribs and turned back to me so I could continue my "performance". "Oh, noise? Then I'll be quick. Oh, a knife. My body will be your sheath. Rust inside my body and let me die." I stopped and looked up from the book to see everyone staring at me. Some had tears in their eyes, some were looking at me in awe. To break the sudden tension and quietness, I grabbed my mechanical pencil and made an over exaggerated stabbing motion to my stomach while making a "bleeeh" sound. That caused the tension to break and people started laughing or clapping.

I guess I made a good first impression.

After English was over, My desk was suddenly flooded by people from the class, asking me questions and complimenting me on my acting. "Where did you even learn how to Act so professionally?" a girl, who I learned was named Rose, asked with her bright baby blue eyes wide with wonder. "Really, you're giving me too much credit! I just picked it up because I watch so many movies." I waved my hand in dismissal with my cheeks stained a light strawberry color. After the wave of people dissipated, I sighed and leaned back into my seat. I was never good at dealing with crowds, so having all of those people around made me feel drained. "Hey, you okay?" Nath asked me, leaning forward slightly and brushing some strands of hair back behind his ear. He doesn't even know how cute he is, does he?

"Oh, yeah, thanks. I just get tired around crowds." I pinched the bridge of my nose in an exhausted matter. I still wasn't used to the time change, and it didn't help that I watched Mean Girls and Legally Blonde during the middle of the night. Needless to say, I was tired. "Hey, you could take a nap at lunch, you know? Just have to get through 2 more classes." Nath placed a comforting hand on my back -GOD WAS HE ALWAYS THIS WARM- and rubbed it in small circles. Pointing to the hand on my back, I said "Well, that's not helping me stay awake." I chuckled softly, laughing a bit more when Nath quickly took his hand off my back mumbling some small "Sorry" before looking back to his sketchbook. I patted his shoulder before looking forward, trying to prepare myself for the next 2 hours.

After a long class of Histoire de France, it was finally time for lunch. Picking up my bag, I looked over to see Nath doing the same. Juleka and Rose made their way over to the table, and we chatted all the way to a bench outside the school. Lying on the grass, I draped my arm over my eyes, blocking the sun from attempting to blind me. Taking deep breaths, I slowly felt myself falling asleep, but not before I felt a comforting hand caressing my head. Nudging my head further into the hand, I fell asleep.

Sorry if it seems rushed at the end!

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