Toxic Dreamland

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Note: for this chapter, italics mean that (Y/n) is dreaming.

I felt myself drifting through a hazy fog, no clear destination in mind. Suddenly, I was yanked to a suddenly clear area. Feeling nauseous from the sudden journey, I fell to my knees. Blearily opening my half lidded eyes, I lifted my head to look in front of me to see a man standing with his back towards me. He donned a purple suit, and he wore what looked like a full headed mask, like a ski mask made out of leather. As if knowing I was looking at him, he turned sharply, stormy yet bright blue/grey eyes peered at me with a thinly veiled look of impatience and anger. I open my mouth to speak, but I found that I couldn't form any words to leave my tongue. My throat felt dry, and I couldn't swallow. All I could get out was a sharp exhale of air. Reaching my hands up to my throat, I tried desperately to make any noise. I felt like Ariel when she gave her voice to Ursula.


Looking around the room, I felt like I was trying to find something, or someone. Hoping to see a flash of vibrant red, I felt disappointed and scared that I couldn't find what my subconscious was yearning for. I turned my head back to the man in front of me, now noticing he had a vibrant purple butterfly outline surrounding his eyes floating away from his face. That seemed familiar... why can't I remember where I've seen that?

"Can't speak? What's the matter, blackcat have your tongue?" He spoke for the first time, sending a chill of unease down my spine. I grit my teeth and tried to avoid looking directly into his eyes. "You know, Miss USA, you have been giving me a very hard time as of late." He started to take slow yet deliberate steps towards my slumped figure. Falling back on my butt, I started scooting away from the man. It didn't help, every meter I scooted back, he easily closed with a long stride. Eventually, he was standing right in front of me, and my back collided with an invisible force. I tried to open my mouth to deny ever seeing him, but all I got out was a weak wheeze.

"Somehow, you were able to stop the corruption of my Akuma before it could take affect. This has never happened before, so I thought I should... Meet the cause." Following his pacing figure with my eyes, I curled into a protective ball, shielding my legs with my arms. "You don't have a Miraculous, so you didn't cleanse the Akuma. You didn't even touch the damned thing, so you couldn't have forced it to stop. This means you were able to... deter the person's negativity. You seem like you're a confident girl, little miss." He suddenly stopped in front of me. I stared at his newly polished dress shoes, wondering if the person who made them knew they made them for and insane psychopath.

I slowly trailed my eyes to his face when he didn't say anything. That was a wrong move.

His expression was down-right evil, a shadow casted over his eyes and a sinister sneer-like smirk stretched across his face. "You seem very confident, that however can be changed. Goodbye, miss USA, it has been a nice conversation. This will teach you from disturbing my plans again." Before I could even blink, He snapped his fingers and was gone. In his place, was my Mother and Father.

Looking around, I realized that I was back at my old house. Looking in front of me, my mom began to speak. "Okay honey, we'll be back in three days. You have all the numbers, some cash, and enough things to help you last, right?" She asked, adjusting the strap of her bag on her shoulder before looking at me. Nodding my head, she smiled and kissed my forehead. "Alright. Be good sweetie. I love you." My vision blurred and suddenly I was sat on the couch in front of the tv.

It was switched to the news channel, broadcasting a sudden breaking news segment. A commercial airplane was found crashed in the middle of a nature preserve, and all the passengers inside were dead. A picture of an aerial view of the aircraft was placed on screen, and I saw the flight number. It was my parents plane. They were dead.

I opened my mouth to scream, but nothing came out. I scratched at my throat, tugged at my hair, even gripped at my shirt as tears flowed unevenly down my face in fast and thick streams. I blinked, and when I opened my eyes, I was someplace else.

I realized I was in the courtyard of school, no one was next to me and everyone around was either pointing at me and laughing, or whispering to their friends with a disgusted look on their face. I couldn't clearly see their face, but I swear I saw blue pigtails amongst the group of students. A girl with a blonde ponytail cackled,  snickering as she said "I told you we didn't want you here, pig! Go back to america where your other fat and disgusting kin are!" I gripped at my stomach, suddenly aware of every single imperfection placed upon my body. Tears kept going down my face, but at an even faster pace now. Turning my head away, I caught a glimpse of that vibrant red I was searching for earlier.

I quickly ran over to the red haired boy, who I couldn't clearly see the face of like everyone else. I suddenly became aware that I was making small noises. "Pl...ease... plea...ssse..." I whimpered pathetically, slipping to the ground in front of the boy, clutching at my body. "Oh please, as if Na------ would want to be with you, I mean, who would? When they could end up with someone like me!" the blonde girl came over, resting a hand on the boy's shoulder. I stared up desperately at the boys face, begging him silently to help me. He looked down at me with a blank face, which suddenly morphed into one of disgust, one that matched everyone else's. "She's right, you know, you're disgusting. I can't believe you thought I liked you, I just felt pitiful of you. I know who you really are, though. Everyone does." I suddenly froze, staring down at the ground in disbelief. Let me wake up, god please let me wake up.

"Goodbye, (Y/n)."

I looked up to the retreating figures of the boy and the blonde girl, who was dangling off his arm as if she won. He didn't move to push her off. "Nath.... N-Nathan..." I whispered quietly. Taking a gulp of air, I shot up and started running to them.


I suddenly shot up from someone's lap, breathing heavily and feeling tears drip down my face. I looked around, and saw Juleka, Rose, Mari, Adrien, Alya, Nino, and Nath sitting around me, looking at me with worry. I looked at Nath, and my tears turned into fat globs, sobs threatening to leave my throat. I scooted the short distance over to him and didn't hesitate in throwing my arms around him. He did the same, whispering soothing words into my ear, as I cried into his shoulder. I didn't care how I looked to other people, I needed to be held after what I dreamt. Since I was crying into Nath's shoulder, I didn't notice the purplish-black butterfly fly away from where it was perched on the bench Juleka and Rose were just sitting on. It did catch the attention of two of my friends, however.

I wasn't able to see the look of dread on their face.

AN: sorry for any spelling errors, I quickly read over this at 12 in the morning so I might have missed something. Let me know of any spelling errors or ideas you have, and until next time!"

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