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So... Hi? God, it says I last updated this thing in August. I'm sorry? However, I have had the beginning of this chapter in my drafts for god knows how long, so yeah! I might be a bit rusty.

"So, which team are you in Pokemon Go?"

Nath turned his head to look at me, staring at me through squinted eyes like he was looking at a confusing question on his math homework. "Wha- why are you asking me this?" We were currently in the infirmary, waiting to see the nurse who was dealing with a younger student crying over a bloody nose. I shrugged, "Just trying to make conversation, but unless you wanna listen to Mr. Whine for god knows how long, be my guest." I turned to put my head back on tops of my knees, not caring that my feet were possibly dirtying the seat.

We were in the infirmary because I had to come here and get some pain medication. After waking up from that nightmare, and spending a few minutes in Nath's arms, Mari and Adrien started questioning me like I was Bruce Wayne and just witnessed the death of my parents. They asked me stuff like "Do you remember what you dreamed of?" And "A man? What did he look like?" And so forth. Amazing that they're always asking the same things and still not realizing each other. After telling them my head hurt, they immediately told Nathanael to take me to the infirmary to get some pain medication, so that leads us to here. A few seconds ticked by before Nath spoke.

"I don't play Pokemon go."

I turned my head slowly to look at him, and he refused to look at me, squirming in his seat because he knew how I was looking at him. "What. Did you. Just. Say?" I narrowed my eyes even further at him when he flinched. "You don't play Pokemon go?" I placed my feet on the ground and turned my whole body towards him. His eyes flickered to me for a few moments before darting to look at the clock.

"Well, I'm not very active, so I don't really see the point in-" "Nath, I was- look at me, damn it -I was the same way, thinking that I wouldn't really play it, but it was love at first catch when I caught a Ratata." I placed a hand on my heart, imagining the struggles this young child must have gone through for so long, but not anymore. "Give me your phone." I placed my hand out, making a grabby motion with my fingers. "What? No- (Y/n) stop it- don't- OKAY FINE, HERE" he handed me his phone, unlocked with a simple background of artistic hexagons. I snorted at the beehive print, before opening the App Store and immediately typing in Pokemon go.

After waiting a few moments to download, I guided him through everything. "Okay, so type in your name." He sat there for a moment or two, scrunching his eyebrows together as he thought of what his name should be. He suddenly raised his eyebrows and typed in (quite quickly, might I add, Jesus) his name. Leaning over, I saw his name was in French, obviously. "L'enfant tomate? Are you, are you serious? The Tomato Child?" I raised a hand to my mouth, trying to stifle my laughter and unattractive snorts. Nath blushed and smiled at me, saying "Well, you've called me that before, and I thought it fit." He shrugged his shoulders before looking back down at his phone. I quickly turned my head away from the cute scene, trying desperately not to make and squeaking sounds at the cute scene. I heard him mumble something about the art style before the nurse called me into her little office.

"Good afternoon, Mademoiselle, how can I help you?" she asked with a kind tone, but I could see she was tired from dealing with the kid with the bloody nose. I don't blame her. sending her a sympathetic smile, I told her that I needed some pain medication for my headache.Sending me a sympathetic smile of her own, she walked over to a cabinet and unlocked it. "Do you have any idea on why you are feeling this way?" shrugging, I took the glass of water she offered and the little tablet into my hands. "It could be a number of things. I just moved here, so it could be stress. I've also had a hard time getting used to the time." I was not about to tell her about the nightmare I had, I didn't want to come off as an insomniac.   

"The time? Well, dear, if you need a moment to sleep in the infirmary, you certainly can." The nurse offered while taking the glass from me. Thinking back to the nightmare I just went through, I quickly shook my head, declining the offer. "That's very kind, Madame. I don't want to miss any more of my class, though. It is my first day after all." The nurse nodded in understanding, telling me if there was anything else I needed I was welcome to come back at any time. Walking back over to Nathan, I stretched my arms over my head and made this weird gurgling sound you always seem to make whenever you have a good stretch. Nathan stood from his chair, and we started walking to class. "So, (Y/n)." Nathan started, turning to look at me. "Hm?" I also turn to him, eyebrow lifted in a question. "What was your dream about, if you don't mind me asking? you woke up yelling my name, so I guess I'm a bit curious..." Nathan looked less and less confident as he spoke on, probably thinking that he was stepping out of line. Giving a small smile, I placed a hand on his shoulder. "Nothing I'll ever have to worry about."

Lunch was over, and fourth hour had begun. Though Nathan and I's classes were right next to each other, we had different classes and wouldn't have the same class for the rest of the day. I promised to meet up with him at the end of the day and walked into class. I had History this hour, which was kind of hard to follow given that the entire lesson was in french. I caught myself dozing off a few times, before class finally ended. The final class I have is maths, which I happen to have with Marinette. Snagging an empty seat in front of her, I turned to see her looking at me with that look a mom gives you when she's concerned for you. "Hey, (Y/n), how are you feeling?" Marinette said, definitely sounding like a mom. Giving a slight laugh at the thought, I gave her a smile. "Fine, the pain medicine kicked in during last hour, but it didn't get rid of the pain with having Monsieur Moreau drone on and on." I said, giving an eye roll at the history teacher. Marinette laughed, looking like she was about to say something else, but the maths teacher walked in.

After the class was over, I pulled on my backpack, which definitely felt a few pounds heavier than it did at the start of the day. Praying for my shoulder's health, I turned to face Marinette, who was already waiting for me. "I guess no matter where you go, the amount of homework you have doesn't change." I groaned with a sigh. Marinette laughed at me, and we walked out of class together. We found Alya and walked towards the front doors. Nathan loitered there, looking around, and I felt myself smile when I realized he was looking for me. Running up to him, I swung my arm around his shoulders. "Nathan, darling, today has been just boring without you here to spice up my life." I spoke, dragging out the "A" in darling. "(Y/n), we literally have two classes without each other." He gave a plain look, but I could tell that he was struggling not to smile. "Two classes? Might as well be two eternities! however, I will always find my way back to your blinding red hair!" I ruffled his hair at that, managing to make him smile. Saying adieu to Mari and Alya, who had these weird smiles on their faces (they'll get wrinkles at this rate), Nathan and I started walking back home. 

Woah, I've been way out of practice. Sorry if it seems awkward at some parts!

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