Virtual: Summer

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Last day of school,

Comes so fast,

Year's gone too soon,

No more homework,

No more friends,

Freedom and tanning,

Swimming and traveling

Or sitting on my lazy butt,

Doing nothing,

That's more of what I prefer





Parents on a cruise,

Trapped with an eccentric,

Second cousin,

I think

I'm not sure,

I haven't met her,



So they went to paradise,

Left me behind,

With a computer,

Tv, games,

An iPod, and a violin

Speaking of which,

I'm taking lessons again,

In hope of,

Learning techniques,

Like vibrato,


Et cetera

And after the second cousin,

(Or something like that,)

I went back home,

Where a snake,

Lives next door

I didn't see him much that summer,

Not at all,

Nor her,

Thankfully not her,

Because I might just explode

But I still miss,

My non-existant friends,

But maybe things will be better,

After this hiatus,

After the vacation (sorta),

When we're all in,

The big bad,

High school world

I'm being too hopeful,

I'm excited but terrified,

I'll be a freshmeat,

A new target,

For bigger, meanier bullies,

With foul mouths,

Who do worse things

But for now I think,

I'll just enjoy,

This lovely thing,

Called summer.

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