Virtual: Pulling Out My Teeth

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Pulling Out My Teeth

Ways to pull,

Out my teeth,

Ways to kill me

From the inside out,

Can be as simple as words,

Is that all too sad?

With so much hate,

In this screwed up place,

It seems like Hell,

With your own demons,

Dispatched to cause misery,

Bend you to some sort of evil

I want to cuss you out,

Speak up for once,

In my life,

I won't let you kill me,

With your stupid words,

What should it matter?

If it doesn't matter to me?

Or if I don't agree?

I don't care for what you say,

But it's eating me away

Acid in our minds,

Seeps into our hearts quickly

Like a dentist,

You yank out my cavities,

Highlight my nightmares,

Because you love opening,

Your big fat mouth,

Paparazzi minus the advantage,

Of money and fame,

Just a few swears later,

A single word,

And I'm gone

I'm somewhere else,

My mood has changed but nobody knows,

Nobody cares,

Because everyone here is talking,

Nobody can listen anymore,

We pull out our hair,

We scream and writhe,

But they don't hear or see,

Like selective mutes,

They're selective idiots,

Or is this how we've trained them?

There's band aids on their eyes,

Keeping them safe,

Keeping them blind,

Can't see what's going on,

Won't see,

A dog cone on your neck,

That's how I see it

Mouth set in a grin,

Spitting out opinions,

Spitting out hate,

No more love,

Because we love the pain more

Crossbones in our hearts,

Lightning bolts,

Constantly striking us,

Hitting us,

Causing a burn and a scar,

But eventually we'll move on,

If ever

Blood flows through our veins,

Black with the color of our motives,

Except for the saints,

That are also sinners,

Because somebody told me,

We aren't perfect

And everything they keep saying,

Shoving their sticky notes in my ears,

Makes me feel even less perfect,

Like some kind of scribble,

Made by a toddler,

In the process of it throwing up,

And stabbing the canvas,

With a plastic knife

Why do we let this get to us?

If it isn't even about us?

Maybe some are too sensitive,

Some too blissfully,

Unaware of the torture of life,

Some too attached,

For no reason at all,

Wishing they were as indifferent as a rock

It doesn't make sense,

But it makes me want to,

Rip out my teeth at the thought,

Of you hating somebody I know so dear,

I hate you for hating her,

But I see you every day,

And you're entertaining,

But you make me so angry,

So explosive,

So insecure,

So painful,

So insecure

As if my opinion even matters,

I could tell you to go away,

But you wouldn't listen,

Or we'd fight,

And they would come to help you,

Because nobody knows,

Or cares,

Nobody freaking ever cares

So I flee,

Before I cry,

As I lie,

To keep the truth away,

Because I'm too naive,

And I don't know why,

But it's killing me

It's like a posion,

Flowing through my veins,

Taking me away,

But bringing me back,

So conflicting and dead,

I don't know anymore,

I can't see anymore,

We are broken.

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