After sunrise...
The blurry figures was seen from Sonic....When he opened his eyes, he saw a red laser attached to something. When he got up, they got stuck in a cage with lasers as bars of the cage that can hurt who touched it.
Sonic: Guys?
Tails: ( woke up) Where are we?
Sonic: Were in a cage, Tails! Because of Eggman!
Tails: ( stood up) So, how do we get out of here?
Sonic: Idk... ( sits and puts his arms in his knees)
Amy: ( woke up)
Tails: Amy?
Amy: Ugh... My head is killing me!
Sonic: Hmm...
Tails: Maybe we should wait at Knuckles and Sticks to rescue us as possible.
Sonic: Wait... Where's Egghead?Then Eggman showed to his lair with the cookies in a plate.
Sonic: Eggman!
Eggman: How's your morning, Sonic?
Sonic became angry and accidentally touched the laser bars and he got hurt.Eggman: Careful what you touch, hedgehog!
Sonic: What are you gonna do to us, Egghead?
Eggman: ( sits in his couch) Hmm... Maybe I should wait until I will destroy you, rodent. And that sidekick you have ( Tails growls angrily) and your girlfriend I guess.
Sonic & Amy: Were not a couple!!!!! ( both looked at each other with a confused look and blushed)
Eggman: Hmm.. I see. ( stood up) Anyway, I gotta go to my lab. To build something that will obliterate you soon. (exited)
Amy: ( sits and puts her hands in her knees,sighed)
Tails: ( sighed) I dont think our two friends will going to save us.
( sits ,puts his hands on his head)
Sonic: Tails, have a problem?
Tails: Nothing... Having a headache.
Sonic: Are you sure or thinking to get out of here?
Tails: (sighed) Thats the point.
Sonic: Hey! Do you have a communicator in your pocketbelt?
Tails: (shoved his hand in his pocketbelt and he held something.) Great! Good time! Hello...With Sticks and Knuckles,
Sticks: Is that you, Tails?
Tails: Yes, its me!
Sticks: Umm...Tails, not this time.
Tails: What? What's wrong?
Sticks: We were attacked by Egghead's robots. ( throws her boomerang to the robot and destroyed) Knuckles was here too but he was busy fighting.
Amy: ( grabs the communicator from Tails.) Sticks?
Sticks: Amy?! Thank goodness!
Amy: Why?
Sticks: Youre still alive.
Amy: Oh, come on! Im ok here.
Sonic: ( grabs the communicator) Hey! Where are you now?
Sticks: Here in Eggman's lair.
Sonic: Good! Now do you have a plan to save us here?
Sticks: Maybe we should talk later. Cause were fighting here.
Sonic: Ok.
Tails: Whats the plan?
Sonic: I asked Sticks earlier, obvious?
Tails: Come on! Think!Amy's POV
When I start to think how to get out of here, I saw a vent into the left of Eggman's couch and it was not sealed. That gave me an idea. "Guys! I have an idea!" But no one heard me because they are arguing.I shouted at them, "Guys!!" Sonic and Tails stopped... " What is it, Ames?" Sonic said. I really like it when he called me Ames! Wait...where was I? "I have a plan."I said quickly. "What?" Tails asked. I pointed at the vent. "So?" Sonic said. "Let's check at Sticks and Knuckles at the communicator."Normal POV
When Sticks and Knuckles destroyed the robots, they go to the door of his lair.
Sticks: Guys?
Amy: Sticks, were here... And I have a plan.
Knuckles: What is it?
Amy: Sticks, go find a vent in Eggman's lair. And Knuckles, you destroy the door and take down the robots inside.
Sticks: Why am i going to find a vent?
Amy: Ill tell you later... Just go.
Sticks: Ok, im on it!( runs but stopped at the moment.) And Knuckles...
Knuckles: What?
Sticks: Didn't you hear Amy's plan? Break the door!
Knuckles: Oh..yeah! I forgot. (breaks the door.)
Eggman: What?! Intruders!
( clicks the button in his arm)
The robots deployed from Eggman. Knuckles starts to punch them one by one.Meanwhile..
Sticks' POV
I started to find that vent thingy that Amy said to me. What is her plan? I gotta call her when I found the vent. And..finally, I found it but it was sealed. But maybe I should call Amy. "Amy are you still there?" I asked worriedly. " Yes, im still here. And you found the vent?"she asked. " Yes I found it." "Ok and here's another plan. You open the seal and go in there. And wait for Eggman and try push the button in his arm." Wow. I cant believe she's smart. " Ok... I guess I could do that." " Ok, Sticks. Gotta see ya later." Hmm... How can I break this?". I think carefully how to break the seal. Hmm... Maybe rocks? Yeah! I saw a big rock and grab it and tried to break it by throwing it into the seal. After three throws, it finally broke so I can remove it easily. And I crawl to the vent as fast as I can.Normal POV
When Eggman headed into the room where the trio is, they tried to be innocent.Eggman: Looks like your one of your friends attacking at my lair.
Sonic: ( scoffs) He was going to save us now, Eggy.
Eggman: Haha! I dont think so because he was only here to save you!When Sticks finally reached at the end of the vent, she saw Eggman and her three friends. She growled angrily as she ran to him.
Sticks: Egghead!!!!
Eggman: (shocked) What?!?!Sticks jumps high as she pushes the button in his arm. Then the lasers in the cage were gone that the trio was released in the cage.
Sonic: Ha! We've been trapped you in the corner, Eggman!
Eggman: Uhh... Can I excuse for a moment? ( ran fast and goes to another room) Retreat!And someone broke the door in their room. It was Knuckles.
Knuckles: (pants) Where's Eggman?
Tails: Uh... Knuckles? Youre too late to be in here.
Amy: No, i used him to be a distraction.
Knuckles: Oh! Thats great!
Sonic: Ready for High Five?
Everyone except Sonic: Of course!And they did High Five each other.
Sonic: And... I would like to thank Amy Rose....because she is the only one who gave us plans how we do the things.
Sticks: Really?
Tails: Yes, she is even smarter than me!
Sticks: In what way?
Tails: I just know about technology and she knows how to make a plan. Well, I dont think I can make it on my self.
Amy: Aww... Come on, guys.
Sonic: Maybe we should go now and go home. I really miss my cozy house.
Tails: Youre right.And they were chatting at the long distance.
( And they left Eggman's lair)
Phew! Wow,making a story gives me a tough challenge! Anyway, my title for me makes me weird cause its from the last part. Can I change the title? Nah... The Chapter 3 will be a long time to publish. So Be Cool and see you soon! 😎😎😎

Be My Gal (Sonamy Boom)
FanfictionA story about Sonic and his friends on Bygone Island where Sonic and Amy revealed their secrets with their best friends. After months, things get weird when a fangirl came. Sonic was in love with that fangirl and become his girlfriend. But Amy suspe...