Day 1
OK, first day of the hospital. Oh man. I really want to run today but TBH I really cannot move my arms. Because I was so itchy! So I need to control myself not to move. But I act like a baby! Because Amy was the one who is feeding me! I really hate my life but... I sacrificed myself for Amy. I hope she is fine. Noon, we found out that Eggman knew that I was still alive so he attacked the village. I want to fight! But my friends defeated Eggman. Oh man! I should be the hero of the town! Nevermind though. Because my friends was now protecting the village. I wish Eggman would never attack the worst.1st Week
Done! 1st week was finished! I have a feeling that I will heal perfectly in the next months. I'm bored all day. I want to watch TV because there is no TV here. I want to play volleyball with my friends. I want to run. I want to plan something with Amy. I remember something last day. When Amy and I are chatting, she told that she found a really strange temple. When you go near the temple, you are having a strange feeling. More like lovesick. If I was finally healed, we are going there sometime. Again, Eggman attacked the village again two days ago. I feel ashamed that time.2nd week
More weeks to go. My arms can move slightly today! I was so happy! Now I can eat all by myself instead of Amy feeding me. Tails told me a story last day. He said it was a terrible disaster. He invented a "Molecule Shrinker". Knuckles tested it by pulling the switch. He shrinked all of them. Now they are still tiny today. And Knuckles is still trying to solve this. Stupid Knuckles. Anyway, I'm with Tails and Amy. They're so cute! They look like ants. And Amy, still looking pretty. Hehe... I'm still waiting for my bones to heal.3rd Week
Times getting really fast. I can finally feel my toes! I'm so excited in the next month! But finally, my friends turned back to normal. You know what happened? When Knuckles tried to hear Tails' instructions because he sounds like a squeaking mouse. So Knuckles tried to figure it out. He opened the lock from the machine and he saw a motherboard. There's a lot of buttons. There's a red and blue button. He pressed a blue button and this is what happens. The machine malfunctions. But he quickly pressed a red button. This machine gets worst. It shoots everywhere. So all of Tails' invention became tiny. His friends panicked. Knuckles panicked and he tripped to the floor and all of a sudden, Knuckles broke the case of the hidden switch. He noticed it and pulls the switch. His friends now turned back to normal. There's many things that happened this week.But I cannot evaluate them all.4th Week
Yas! One month passed! And good news! My doctor said my bones are almost recovered and Tails said he invented something for me. It was a wheelchair powered with supersonic speed! I'm so excited to use that in a few weeks! And I remember, when I recovered, Amy and I will hangout sometime. Because I miss hanging out with my friends especially Amy. And I'll ask her if she would like to be my girlfriend.TBC....
Next book is still journal continuing his staying at the hospital in one more month. 8)

Be My Gal (Sonamy Boom)
FanfictionA story about Sonic and his friends on Bygone Island where Sonic and Amy revealed their secrets with their best friends. After months, things get weird when a fangirl came. Sonic was in love with that fangirl and become his girlfriend. But Amy suspe...