Chapter 6: The Rescue

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I've lost all hope that they will ever find me. Realizing the sad truth, I roll over on my stomach, fold my arms on the ground in front of me, place my face on them, and start crying. As I'm crying, I think about what Harry and Ron would be doing if they were down here with me. The thought that they aren't with me makes me even more sad. I try to stand up but I'm so weak that I just fall to the floor. Not being able to take this situation anymore, I begin sobbing loudly, and I hear someone coming down the stairs. Without even looking up, I brace myself for whatever this guy has coming for me next. My cell door unlocks, and a hand is placed on my shoulder.

"Don't cry Hermione, I'm here now" is whispered into my ear and I look up to see who the voice belongs to, and Peter is crouched on the floor beside me with a reassuring look on his face. "Peter..." I barely manage to whisper. He takes my arm and helps me stand up. He places me on the bench and sits beside me. He then licks his thumb and places it on my cheek, removing the blood from where the guard hit me. "Thanks" I say quietly.

"Where are the others?" I ask beginning to panic because I don't want them to get hurt because of me. "We need to get out of here!" I say trying to stand up but stumble. Peter catches me and picks me up. "At least let me carry you out." He says with a smile on his face. "Of course. It would be stupid of me not to let you." I say looking up at his eyes. "Good." He responds.

We make our way up the stone staircase when we hear people talking at the top. "Guards." Peter whispers as he puts me down and I lean against the wall. "Stay here." He instructs me as he draws his sword. "Peter I'm coming with you." I say holding on to the wall and stumbling up the stairs. "No you can barely walk." He says softly. The talking at the top of the stairs stops, and we hear swords being drawn. Peter runs up the stairs, and I hear the clanging of metal at the top.

I crawl up the staircase and see three guards charging at Peter. "No!" I screamed and managed to stand up and lean against the wall. "Hermione what are you doing?!" He yelled as he noticed me standing right by him. He turned around to come over to me, but as soon as he did, two guards grabbed his arms and pinned him against the wall, while his sword fell to the floor. I went to go help him, but the second my hands left the wall, I fell to the floor. The guard that was in my cell picked up Peter's sword, walked over to me, and dropped it right in front of me.

I reached for the sword, and used it as a cane to help me get up and stand. The young guard spoke. "Now, what exactly do you think you're gonna do with that?" He asked in a sarcastic tone. "I'm going to use it." I replied. "I see..." he said, then he swung his sword at me. Luck was on my side and I managed to block it. He kept swinging and I kept blocking, and I noticed that Peter flinched every time.

Eventually, the guy got bored and decided to push me right against the wall. "Hermione!" Peter exclaimed as my head hit the wall and I begin to feel dizzy. The guard walked over to me, and punched me extremely hard in the O side of my head, then he took his sword and sliced open my left lower arm. I screamed in pain and fell to the ground. Peter struggling against the two guards was the last thing I saw before I blacked out.

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