22 - Flashback (Part two)

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Matt roughly pushes me towards Mr. Stilinski's office. The barrell of his gun is pointing directly at the back of my head. One shot and I'm dead. I squeeze my eyes shut as I walk into the office and open them to see Stiles gaping. His mouth tries to form words, yet nothing comes out. 

I weakly smile at Stiles, while biting down on my bottom. Scott and Mr. Stilinski quickly notice the scene unfolding in front of them. I grimace when Matt shoves me in the back with the gun. Stiles holds his arms out for me to rush over to him. Matt allows me to walk over to them.

"Carter?" Stiles gasps when I reach him. His hands spread out all over my body, making sure I'm uninjured.

"I'm okay, I'm okay." I whisper back.

Stiles protectively moves me behind him and Scott. His right hand doesn't leave mine, in his effort to keep me close as possible. 

Matt stands in the front of the room, smirking. The gun is held tightly in his hand, pointed down at the ground instead of at me. 

Mr. Stilinski raises his hand in the air. "Matt? It's Matt, right?" 

Matt nods his head, still smirking.

"Matt, whatever's going on, I guarantee you there's a solution that doesn't involve a gun." Mr. Stilinski attempts to talk him out of the gun in his hand. 

"You know, it's funny you say that because I don't think you're aware of just how right you are." Matt nearly chuckles at the thought. Of course, he doesn't need a gun. Jackson does all the killing for him as the kanima.

Stiles' hand desperately holds onto mine tighter. He's terrified of the situation at hand. The gun was just pointed at my head. Now, he's worried that something is going to happen to all of us. Matt is a pyschotic killer. He probably wouldn't think twice about having Jackson kill us.

"I know you don't wanna hurt people." Mr. Stilinski continues.

"Actually, I want to hurt a lot of people." Matt chuckles, evilly. He waves the gun at us as he speaks. An action that has Scott and Stiles moving closer together to shield me from him. "You four weren't on my list, but I could be persuaded. And one way is to try dialing somebody on your cellphone, like McCall is doing."

Scott yanks his left hand out of front pocket of his jeans. Shit. There goes our one chance of getting help, like Derek's help. We could definitely use Derek's help right now. Even Isaac would work. 

"That- That could definitely get someone hurt." Matt raises the gun and points it at my head. "Maybe Carter." 

Stiles nervously swallows and steps in front of me. 

Matt snickers and lowers the gun, which earns a relieved sigh from my boyfriend. He waves at all of us with the gun in his hand. "Everyone." He orders. "Now!" He shouts when none of us move.

"Come on." Mr. Stilinski nods at us. 

All of us grab our cell phones and set them down on the desk. Mr. Stilinski keeps his hands in the air after placing his phone beside ours. 

"Great. To the cells." Matt motions for Mr. Stilinski to lead the way. 

Stiles grips my hand in his, like he's afraid Matt will try to separate us. Mr. Stilinski gives us a look as if to say that everything would be okay. Stiles follows closesly behind his father while Scott moves behind me. They seem to feel the need to protect me the most. All I want to do is protect them. 

Matt picks up a pair of handcuffs on our way to the cells. He tosses them at Stiles, who barely manages to grab them one handed. "Cuff him." The gun points to Mr. Stilinski.

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