love potion.

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Britain's P.O.V

The English man's at his home

he has spent most of his day in the kitchen, making some tea and scones. Momentarily he's in his library looking at all kinds of magic and spell books.

Britain: I'm afraid there is not a single spell that could make her fall for me. No matter how strong it might be.

he sights

Britain: not that I'm able to cast it anyway...

He sinks deeply into his own thoughts as he walks back to the living room, with his cup of tea in hand. Then he suddenly snaps out of his trance as flying Mint bunny is coming his way, panicking like crazy.

Flying Mint bunny: Arthur, Arthur! ARTHUR!

Britain: whats wr-

Then he knows what the fuss was about. He sniffed, the smell of something burning drifts in the air. He turned around.The kitchen was all foggy.

Britain: Bloody hell my scones!!

He yells.
he quickly places the cup down and runs past his fluffy friend, towards the oven to Opening it up and release the black smoke.
He couched and sights again.

Britain: why is everything going wrong today?!

He Angerly muttered to no one in particular. He picked the scones out of the oven, Opening the back door placing them down on the tiled floor.

He runs back inside and throws all the Windows open.
As he looked out of it, he could enjoy the beautiful view of his garden. his eyes wanter towards the flowers against the fence. thats when a lightbulb turns on.

Britain: that might work.

He smiles as he drops the rest of his utensils.He ran outside and came to a stop right in front of the roses he planted a few weeks ago.
The gracious red peddles shining in the sunlight. Arthurs hand reached out to one of the flowers and plucked it off the Bush.

Britain: wait a tick. If a love spell won't work, then how about a love potion. I still have that book somewhere and If I recall it correctly I only need to add the moonstone, some fairy dust in a cauldron together with these rose peddles and...

He sunk into his thoughts ones again until a fairy appeared next to him.

Britain: ah miss fairy I was just thinking about you. This might sound rude but do you mind helping me out? I'm in need of some fairy dust.

The fairy nods happily.

Britain: great! Wait let me get a bowl.

he let the fairy take place on his shoulder before he headed back to the kitchen to take one out of the cabinet.

The fairy hopped off Arthurs' shoulder and started to fly around above the bowl, dropping some dust in the process.

Britain: I think that's enough.

Thank you very much miss fairy.

She smiles up at the Englishman

Flying mint bunny fly's in and lands on the counter right next to the other magical creature.

Flying mint bunny: what are you doing Arthur?

He looked over the bowl

Britain: I'm going to make a love potion

Flying mint bunny: a love potion? Oh, it must be for that girl you had a crush on, right? What was her name again? Oh yes (y/n) was it I believe.

Britain's cheeks turn a dark shade of red.

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