Iggy's Fever

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it has been a cold week. the wind pierces through my skin as I walk down the street. I was already wearing gloves, a scarf, earmuffs, and a thick jacket but this wasn't enough to keep me warm. the snow cracks beneath my foot with each step I take towards my house. the bags I am carrying start to feel heavy but I'm almost there. I turn around the corner and place the bags before the front door as I reach into my pocket for the keys. I open the door and quickly head in, taking the bags with me before I close the door again. I rub my hands together and blow hot air in them as soon as I took my gloves off. I then start to take the rest of my extra clothes off before hanging them on the peg.

(y/n): Arthur?

I called out to my gentle brit. I waited for an answer but there was none.I call out again .i know that he's home. his jacket and suitcase are right where they always are. this confirmed my suspicions.it seems that he is either busy or he simply does not hear me. I shrugged it off and placed the bags down in the kitchen before I head upstairs. that's when I noticed that the bedroom door was open. I walk in.there he is. laying in bed. I get closer to him. he opens his eyes.

Britain: oh love... you're back. I didn't expect you to be home so-

he starts coughing like crazy. his body shivers from the cold.

(y/n): oh iggy. save your words. I don't want you to suffocate from that nasty cough.

I walk off to fetch him a glass of water and an extra blanket. I hand him the glass while I fold the blanket over the pile he had created himself.

Britain: thank you...

his voice sounds sore.I lay a hand on his forehead. the poor man is burning up. yes, he is definitely sick.even if he hates to admit it. he looks into my eyes for a moment before his lips finally touch the glass. the cold liquid eases his pain a little.

(y/n): I knew you were getting sick. it started off with that cold and constantly having to grab a blanket.
I told you to take it easy but you didn't listen to me. seriously Arthur work isn't everything in life. you need to take care of yourself as well. and why didn't you text me? I could have gotten more cough drops and paper handkerchiefs and some painkillers.

Britain: I didn't want you to worry- *cough* about me. r-really. I'll be fine.

(y/n): not really... let me nurse you back to health, on top of that I can do your work as well. all I have to do is call your boss and tell him you're sick so you can relax for ones.

Britain: no there is no need for that. I will go to work tomorrow.

(y/n): oh no you don't mister.

Britain: love, please... I will get behind on work. I have to- cough g-go.

(y/n): but I can do it.

arthur shakes his head.

Britain: my boss will never allow it. my work is confidential and very complicated. so you can't just help me with it.

(y/n): aww...

Britain: so I will go to work.

this time I shook my head.

(y/n): I don't think that's a wise decision. please, just this ones I ask you to listen to me.

I look into his eyes, begging for him to stop being so stubborn for ones. it doesn't take long before he starts to cough again. this is what finally causes him to gives in. he places the glass on the nightstand before he slides down, so his body can enjoy the comfort of the blankets. he shivers ones the coughing finally stops.

Britain: you win love... I will stay home.

(y/n): great. shall I make you some tea?

I gently run my fingers through his hair. he nods. I smile a little at my victory. in the end, England is just a big softy that can't say no to me.
I plant a kiss on his forehead before I walk off towards the kitchen.
not much later I return with a piping hot cup of earl gray tea. I gently place the cup on his nightstand.

(y/n): do you want me to get you something else?

he shook his head.

Britain: no love. thank you.

he smiles a little before he starts to cough again.

Britain: i-i really want to hug you right now but it has to wait. I don't want to make you sick as well.

(y/n): I know... but it can take 2 weeks before you get better. I can't go without your hugs for that long.

I crawl into bed, getting close to my husband as I do so.

Britain: are you sure about this love?

(y/n): very sure. but I must say its like a sauna under all those blankets.

he chuckles at that.
I kiss his cheek and he closes his eyes.

(y/n): you should get some rest.

Britain: alright.sweet dreams love.

(y/n): sweet dreams iggy.

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