Chapter 5: Reunion

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Quick author's note: I know everything seemed really unrealistic because sexual assault victims don't usually speak of their abuse and such. But I wanted Louis and Niall's friendship a bit more through the things they've done. It will make more sense throughout the story I promise, and .. No it isn't Liam and Zayn. I wouldn't want to do that to any Ziam lovers like me ;) Okay well, I'm sorry for the confusion and let me know if you guys enjoy the story. Thanks -Tory

*About 5 weeks later*

Harry's POV
It's been awhile since I lasted saw Louis, my princess. Why? Because he's been Niall's little 'protector' recently. I shouldn't be upset, but I meant for this time to be of me and Lou dating (pls remember dating is different than being taken.), not waiting for us to even have a first date. I don't know why I'm so irritated, but I haven't really spoken much to him either. Liam says it's because I'm crazy jealous but I can't bring myself to care. Louis was suppose to go out with me last night, but I guess Niall had another one of his anxiety attacks because he doesn't want to be alone. Though, I feel bad for the lad. I just want my princess already.

I head over to the gym, ignoring people's stares at me for my evil-seeming demeanor. I wasn't in a good mood, and honestly couldn't wait to punch the shit out of some punching bag or maybe even Liam at this point. I walk into the gym and see no trainers at all. I sigh and decided to run on the treadmill and keep myself in shape since I have nothing better to do. I grab my water and start the treadmill. I start to jog and I feel my veins pump adrenaline through my body. I turn the speed up and run faster in frustration. I continue to run faster and I start to think about how I could be boxing right now, and how I'm starting to regret taking time off. I run for an hour at least before stepping off and drinking water.

it's been about two hours since I've been at the gym and I am packing up. I am exhausted and Liam walks in. "Hey Haz! Are you okay?" I shrug and grab a towel and head to the locker room. "Harry!" I hear him call after me. I walked into the locker room and see the showers in the corner. I undressed and put new clothes off to the side and turn the shower on. I shower and start to dry myself off when I hear someone clear their throat. I turn around and feel my heart swell at the sight. It's Louis in a pink skater skirt and a white crop top with sandals. He giggles and smiles his pearly whites. "Hi, Hazza!" I smile at him, showing the dimples and all. "You should get dressed then I'll see you outside?" I nod and change into my black skinnies and white top and put a bandana to push my curls back and I shove everything into my back before rushing out. I couldn't wait to see Lou.

Louis' POV
The first time in 5 weeks, I have seen Harry and he's practically naked. I giggle at the thought and see Harry jogging out in his new attire. I see him smile, and he opens his arms. I jog the rest of the way and he engulfs me in a giant hug. I inhale deeply and smell his sweet manly scent of pine trees and musky cologne. I hear him inhale and smell my strawberry shampoo and buries his head into my neck before nipping playfully. I giggle and he smiles while looking down at me. "Now, what do I owe this pleasure that I get to see my princess?" I shrug and hug him again, "I dunno. Maybe I just wanted to see you." I hear him chuckle before hugging me back, "well how long do you have before you have to get back to Niall?" I frown as he words it and I look up at him, putting my chin on his chest, "he's not my boyfriend, Haz." "I know princess. he just needs you as well." I nod before listening to his heartbeat. "How does lunch sound right now?" I nod slightly before speaking, "I'm glad you still want to go out." He kisses my forehead, "I could never give up on you, princess." And we walk out of the gym, hand in hand.

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