Chapter 9: Ziam + Niall

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Hi!! I know it's been quite a while, but I'm back! I'm so happy everyone seems to be enjoying the story :) thank you also for 169 reads, pretty incredible! Thank you!! Enjoy - Tory

Warning: Triggered Attack

Louis' POV
Everything was absolutely perfect last night with Harry. He was gentle and sweet, unlike how he is around others. I hum as I pull an overly large t-shirt on and head to the kitchen. I start to cook sausage, eggs, and pancakes. I mean, who can go wrong with pancakes?? No one is what I say. I continue to hum, finishing the eggs and flipping the pancakes.

"Mornin' Lou," Niall says with his thick Irish accent. I turn and smile at him, placing the sausage, eggs, and pancakes in front of him. "Here you go," I beam, "you better eat up." Niall looks at me sheepishly, "so, Lou, I gotta tell you something, but please don't freak." I look at him worrisome, "okay. What's up?" Just as Niall was about to speak, a tired look Zayn walks out of his room and plops in Niall's lap. My mouth is open, as I see Zayn kiss Niall on the lips and mumbles good morning. Zayn has yet to notice me, and I clear my throat. Zayn freezes and finally notices me, "hi Lou!" I start at him wide eyed, "hi Lou??? Really that's it?? I just saw you kiss Niall and you're with Liam!!" Zayn looks at Niall confused, "I thought you said you told him." Niall looks at the ground, "I lied. I was just about to tell him." "Tell who what?" Calls Liam after walking out of the bedroom as well. I look at all them with bewildered eyes. Liam smiles and says good morning to me, but leaning down and kissing Zayn and Niall on the lips. Liam then picks Zayn up and sets him on his lap, before whispering something in Niall's ear.

"Tell me what the hell is going on!" I state loudly. Niall sighs, "well, recently Liam and Zayn felt that they needed a third party. And well, they felt they could protect me and make me feel safe again. I mean, after everything, I was a bit wary, but they've really just been fantastic." Niall says looking at them lovingly before looking at me again, "I'm in a relationship with them, Lou. I'm sorry I didn't tell you early." I nod my head and smile, "this is so weird to me, but I'm cool with it as long as you three are happy." Niall gets up and hugs me tight, "thank you. You have no idea how much your acceptance means." I hug Niall back, "of course. Just give me a warning next time." Niall nods before turning and noticing Zayn getting off Liam's lap. Liam pats his lap and Niall goes to sit in his lap. Zayn putting his hand on Niall's inner thigh, rubbing it slowly while his ankles cross with Liam's.

I go to my room after breakfast, and call Harry. He answers groggily, "hello?" I freeze at how hot he sounds and try to control myself. "Uh, hi Haz." "Princess?" I hear shuffling like he's getting up. I nod, "yeah it's me. Uh, did you know about Liam and Zayn and Niall?" Harry pauses, "what about them?" I groan, "so you do know." Harry sighs, "I'm sorry. I felt like Niall should have told you not me." I hold my knees to my chest, "yeah I know." There's a silent pause before I hear Harry sigh, "you okay?" "Yes, I'm fine." I say softly. "Lou, you can tell me-" he begins, and I cut him off, "I have to go actually. Bye Harry, sorry." I hang up the phone and turn it off.

I curl into my bed and think about how everyone hid a secret from me. I start to feel tears fall, and I know I'm being a bit sensitive. Although, I feel entitled to feel hurt that Niall felt that he couldn't tell me. I take the shirt off and put on fleece pajama pants. I have a bit of a headache, and I instantly feel worse than earlier. Why did you get so sensitive over this? It's not even your issue. Get over yourself. I put my hands over my ears, and rock myself slowly. Come on, Louis, you know how insensitive you were about this. Niall doesn't even trust you enough to tell you something so large. I start to cry a bit and shake my head no.

Niall knocks on the door and opens it. "Oh my god, Louis!" I can't really hear him after that, because my anxiety attack takes over. I start to hyperventilate, and wheeze. I start to cough violently and I keep hearing the voice. They don't care, Louis. Quite being a cry baby. I feel arms wrap around me before I pass out.

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