Legend of the Curse

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 Being cooped up for the better part of a week, the bored young lads were trying to find something to do. Jack suggested they go four-wheeling in the  fresh snow. Within a few minutes, The adventurous teenagers set off towards their favorite stopping ground, Crystal Mountain.

Crystal Mountain was an old Indian village that had been burned to the ground, killing all the villagers several years ago. The fire marshal claims it was an electrical surge that caused the fire but many believe it was the doings of Althea the evil witch.  Some even claim there's an old grave site buried amongst the debris, but the boys couldn't ever find it. 

The three spent hours romping through the treacherous old hills untilJacks old pickup decided to quit,  leaving them stranded in the middle of nowhere. 

Looking up at the gray skies Ty realized the snow storm was far from over. Everything was calm for the moment and he hoped it would stay that way until they could make it back into town.

"I knew we should have taken my dad's Jeep." Jeromy complains." Kicking a large pile of snow.

"Your dad wouldn't let you borrow his vehicle. Not after what you did to it last week."

"That wreck wasn't my fault, dad even said so," He yells defensively kicking another pile of snow.

"The tree just jumped out in front of you, right? Jack chimes in.

"I hate when that happens," Ty laughs.

"No you idiots, the brakes failed."

"Yeah, Whatever man."

"It's the truth, honest!"

"Well, I'm not riding with you anymore."

'Me either!"

"I'll remember that when you want to go pick up chicks," he says, kicking a can down the middle of the slushy road."

"We're only kidding, man."

"Yeah, whatever." A cold gust of wind started blowing as the boys reached the top of the hill.  Looking up he sees the sky was starting to darken. It's starting to get really spooky up here. He thinks quickly glancing around. Remembering a story his grandmother had told him, Ty turns towards his friends.

"Have you guys ever heard the legend of Crystal Mountain?" Ty asks.

"I don't think so."

"Everyone thought Althea was a witch and they believed the town was enduring great hardship because she'd cursed them for killing her family. The villagers were told by the great Medicine man that the only way to lift the curse would be to get rid of Althea once and for all. So on the Eve of the full moon, the town's people gathered around her cabin with flaming torches in hand.

"Burn the witch! Burn the witch! The town folk chanted as they set the beautiful log cabin on fire. The clear starry sky suddenly became dark and cloudy as the wind started swirling around them. Huge gusts of wind began to blow getting stronger with every passing second. The villagers started screaming as they ran for cover. The smaller town folk were too weak to withstand the explosive winds and was soon sent flying into the darkened horizon. A lightning bolt flashed lighting up the blackening sky. It strikes again, and again crashing into the vast oak trees that are scattered throughout the village. The terrified crowd began running to and fro trying to dodge the tumbling limber. Hearing the deafening sound of a rumbling train the remaining looks up towards the sky. The horrified villagers see a large white funnel cloud heading in their direction.

"Run for your life! One of the town's people yells. Screaming, the frightened crowd takes off running back towards town. Suddenly the hear an eerie voice screeching into the night.

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