Mistaken Identity

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Sarah's woken by the  sound of Jazz music blaring in the background. Who's playing their music so loud? She thinks, slowly glancing around.

"Where am I? What am I doing on the floor" She wonders. Pushing herself up to a sitting position, she continues looking around. Hearing a clicking noise coming from across the room, she turns towards it. She sees a man and women arm in arm laughing as they're casually strolling down the hallway. 

Sara first notices the woman's small black hat that was tilted slightly to the right side of her head. She then noticed how the lady's wavy blond hair was cut just below her ear. Her makeup consisted of a fine powdery base a hint of rough and a light raspberry colored lipstick. She had what looked to be a mink shawl thrown casually over her shoulders, giving her evening wear a chic appeal.  He was dressed in a light blue two-piece suit. A stylish two toned black and white laced dress shoe covered his long narrow feet. Seeing them approach her, she quickly stands up. Feeling a little dizzy, she leans against the wall for support.

"Are you lost, honey?"

"Well ah." She begins.

"The party is that away." He says pointing back down the hallway.

"She can't go to Al's party looking like that, William. Come on, honey, let's get you fixed up." Grabbing her arm the lady escorts her back down the hall. Sit right there and I'll have you fixed up in no time. The lady says pointing to a large vanity across the room. Sarah was taken aback by what she saw when she glanced in the mirror. Her long chestnut hair was cropped just below the ear. It was being held tightly in place by a silver headband. Looking a little closer she noticed a single strand of small pearls dangling midway to her chest. Glancing further down, she realizes she's wearing a tight black dress with fringes hanging neatly at the bottom. Looking at her hands she  notices long black silk gloves that cover her entire arm. 

"This is something the flappers would wear in the 20's. Am I  going to a costume party or something?" She thinks, trying to figure out what she was doing here.

"Is something the matter, honey?"

"Ah well I ." She begins.

"Don't worry I can get you fixed up good as new. " The lady states, pulling makeup out of the drawer.

"Al Capone wouldn't look twice at you, the shape you're in right now. The man loves pretty women he does and he has enough money to treat them all very well. Seeing the confused look on her face she asks.

"What's wrong honey?"

"Well ah."

"That's why you're here, right, to entertain Mr. Capone?"

"I'm a.."

"Don't worry, we all have to make a living somehow," she winks.

"Sit down here and let me see what I can do."

"Seeing a newspaper sitting on the vanity next to her Sarah glances towards it. The top heading said Chicago Tribune. What am I doing in Chicago? She questions, straining to read the date. June 15, 1924. "I must be dreaming or something." She blurts out, quickly standing back up.

"I know the newspaper is full of bad news but I've never seen anyone react that way," the lady laughs

"What day is this?"

"Well, it's Friday of course."

"No, I mean the date?

"June 15th"

"The year?"

"1924." Seeing the strangers face turn snow white the lady quickly asks

"Are you  alright, honey?"

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