Running from Trouble

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"We're safe for now, love." Al says, stepping through a set of large metal door. She quickly follows behind him.

"Where are we, Al ?" She asks, nervously glancing around.

"We're at the airport. "


"Yeah, we need to make a quick trip out of town."

"What's going, Al?"

"I'll explain everything on the way over."

Over to where?"

"Our beach house in Miami."

"But Al I.."

" Stop your damn nagging, woman and  go." He  orders pushing her up the concrete steps. 


"Sergeant, I just spoke to forensics they said that both the grill and bumper are off of a 2004 baby blue Geo Metro. The same type of car Sarah was driving when she disappeared. I checked to see if anyone hauled off a  Metro from that area within the past few weeks and the tow companies said they haven't. So I'm wondering if one of her friends pulled it out or her. 

"Her social didn't show any recent activity. So I'm going over to her last employer see if he can tell us anything. I want you to visit her landlord, Jerry, and Kirk I want you to start talking to her friends, see if they can tell you where she might go. Start with her boyfriend since he has a record."


"I think you did the right thing, sending the boys to find her, my queen."

"I hope so," she says. Glancing at the large crystal lying on the table, she sees the four boys walking aimlessly around town.

"It doesn't look like your amulet is picking her up, your majesty."

"I don't understand why the bracelet isn't working !" Glancing back down at charm she sees the boys  engulfed in a cloud of smoke.

"Where is it taking them now?" She questions, scooping the large stone off of the table. A few seconds later, the boys reappear.

"This isn't Chicago. She huffs, glancing at their surroundings. The oak trees were replaced by shady palm trees and the congested streets with a beautiful ocean view

"Look, your majesty," one of the creatures says, pointing towards the left-hand corner of the stone.

"Miami? Why did it take them to Miami? I have to get them back here," she says, lifting her hands in the air.

"Wait, your majesty."

"What is it now?"

"Their magic Jewel, it's is coming to life."

"How did she get all the way to Miami?"

"Maybe that's where Zelda is hiding."

"Or Sarah's found a new boo. Hernandez says, pointing to the second crystal. They see Susan walking arm in arm with a tall handsome man in what looks to be downtown Miami.

"Maybe he's leading her to Zelda?"

"I doubt that's why they hooked up," she says watching their sickening display of affection.

"Hopefully, the boys will figure out what's going on."

"It'd be so much easier if I could take care of this myself,"she says pacing back and forth across the room.


"Here, doll go buy what you need," Al says, handing her a fistful of cash."

"How long are we going to be here?"

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