Turf Wars

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Julia's woken by a light tapping on her bedroom door. Rolling over she sees the sun shining brightly through the large bay window . She didn't think she'd be able to sleep after what happened to her last night, but once Al reassured her that the bodyguards wouldn't let anybody in her room she drifted off into a deep peaceful sleep. Hearing the light tap again, she quickly sits up.

"Come in," she says, running her fingers through her hair.

"I thought you might be ready for some breakfast." The innkeeper announces, pushing the door open.

"It sure smells scrumptious," she says, eyeing the delicious food sizzling on her plate.

"If you keep feeding me like this I won't be able to fit into my clothes."

"You could stand to put a little meat on your bones. Besides what kind of innkeeper would I be if I didn't feed my guest proper?"

"Agnes, Oh Agnes." They hear coming from down the hall.

"I'm in here Fred."

"Oh, there you are. Good morning Miss Julia."

"Good morning, Fred."

"We have guests in the dining hall waiting to be served."

"I better go. You eat your breakfast Miss Julia and I'll be back in a few minutes to check on you," she says, walking towards the door.

"When will the doctor be here?"

"The doctor should be in to see you shortly."

"Ok, thank you."

"You eat I'll be back in a few," she instructs, closing her door."  She started digging into her food when she hears another knock on the door.

"Come in."

"I wanted to stop by and see how you're feeling. Al announces, stepping into the room."

"I'm feeling much better now I've had a good night's sleep."

"I'm so glad and just to let you know that man that barged into your room last night will never bother you again."

"I'm so lucky to have a strong handsome man like you to take care of me," she says, batting her eyelashes as she leans against his arm.

"Why don't you show me how appreciative you are, doll." He quickly shimmies out of his pants, 

"Do you think it's safe Al? I mean the innkeeper and the doctor are supposed to be here soon."

"They know better than to bother me when I'm busy," he says. Locking the door, he walks towards the bed.  Pushing her tray aside, he climbs in beside her.

"Besides, you owe me one." He says, lifting her nightclothes over her head. She felt herself getting excited thinking about how she's being sought after by a famous gangster like Al Capone.

"You're as beautiful as ever, Julia my darling," he says, moving her large hands across her hardened nipples.

"Take me Al, take me the way you always do," she begs.


Althea paced wildly back and forth across the cave floor. She hadn't heard anything from her darling Sarah in well over a week. Being trapped in time, she couldn't go searching for her on her own. Hearing rustling sounds behind her she quickly turns around.

"What's worrying you so, my queen?" The creature asks.

"Oh, sweet creature, I'm troubled by Sarah's disappearance."

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