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Tessley Anne Mason, 19 years young. ♥

I've been an actress since I was 6. I've been in quite a few films, and done a lot of voice acting. 

One thing that bothers me about today's society, ironically, is the movies. I wish today's movies were more like 80s movies; with an actual point and a prince charming or two. I would kill to go back in time and be in an 80s movie like Grease or The Breakfast Club.

My best friend in the whole world is Lissa, or Lis as I sometimes call her. Well, her full name is Vasilisa Elizabeth Monks, but I'm sure if you called her that to her face, she'd hit you. So I wouldn't.

Lissa seems to think I have really high standards, but I don't think it's asking a lot to have a guy who's a gentleman with decent taste.

Red-brown hair.

Green Eyes.

I used to sing, but I guess that's a different story. I'll save that story for later then.

Anyways, I really have to go. I have a meeting with Lissa and my Manager Andy!

Toodles xx

~Tessley ♥


You can follow me on

Twitter: @jaiden_doyle 

Instagram: jaiden_doyle

YouTube:  Jaiden Doyle or http://www.youtube.com/jaidendoyle

Blog: http://kittyglitterxo.blogspot.ca

Tumblr: http://findinglaught3r.tumblr.com

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